Thursday, January 2, 2020

Health Promotion Model A Meta Synthesis - 1303 Words

Critical Analysis of a Published Research Article Ho, A.Y.K., Berggren, I., Dahlborg-Lyckhage, E. (2010). Diabetes empowerment related to Pender’s Health Promotion Model: A meta-synthesis. Nursing and Health Sciences (2010), 12, 259–267 Title Evaluation The title of this article â€Å"Diabetes empowerment related to Pender’s Health Promotion Model: A meta-synthesis† has been to-the-point and has been definite. The title has hinted at the way the research would be conducted without elaborating about the results. The authors of this article have done well to avoid the use of specialized language and use of abbreviations that could have made the article difficult to understand. The title of the research does not present†¦show more content†¦The abstract contains the title of measures as these have been the focus of the study. The abstract of this article has presented a highlight of the results, findings and implications of the research. The assertions about the future measures that have been mentioned in the abstract have been consistent and perfectly fall in line with the tone of the research. As such, it can be safely and soundly stated that the abstract has been effective and very much appropriate. Introduction and Literature Review The authors of this article have introduced the article by presenting the seriousness of diabetes and providing the rationale for the development of effective intervention and support strategies to tackle this serious health issue. The authors of this article have, very methodically and categorically, provided the overview of what the literature and the research is about, self-management. Flowing from the set tone, the authors have mentioned the appropriateness and vitality of the self-management approach towards diabetes and broader health management of the clients. As a coherent essay, the introduction and literature flow from one topic to the next, establishing healthy links between each one of them before delving into the details. The key aspects and concepts such as the Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) have been introduced and discussed. The factual statements

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