Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Disney Summer Internship Training Program Evaluation Essay

Disney Summer Internship Training Program Evaluation - Essay Example Response †This is the way the students responded to the learning procedure. The response for this situation may be certain or negative. 2. Learning †This progression attempts to measure the level at which the students get information and aptitudes. 3. Conduct †This progression looks to discover what changes in the activity execution were because of the learning procedure. 4. Results †this progression frets about discovering the outcomes that emerge from the learning procedure as far as expanded effectiveness of activities and improved creation and quality. (Kirkpatrick, 1959) This model is moderately significant as it gives an important instrument during the time spent arranging, inconvenience shooting and assessment. In any case, however this level is utilized for preparing purposes, the model can likewise be utilized for different applications in the learning procedures, for example, casual learning, training and advancement (Nadler, 1984). Kirkpatrick composed that his destinations would be identified with the customary homeroom programs, the most broad type of preparing. He further expressed that huge numbers of the methodology and standards can be applied to all way of preparing exercises that remembers support for outside projects, execution survey, arranged guidance, and the perception of chose books (Craig, 1996). This paper would look to assess the Disney Internship preparing program plan. In the paper, the arrangement will be gauged by Kirkpatrick's model to discover what changes ought to be made to the arrangement, if the goals of the arrangement were accomplished, the quality and shortcomings of the arrangement, to distinguish the individuals that ought to take an interest in future projects, what members profited the most and what changes, assuming any, ought to be made to the program to improve it. The target of this preparation plan is to build the nature of administration gave by understudies through the dispersal of informat ion to them that they can utilize and apply to their work environment to improve their effectiveness and profitability. Another target of the arrangement is increment the quantity of understudies who might return to the association to function as full time representatives. This is on the grounds that, after the assistant preparing program, they would have been brought into the working scene and prepared as full level representatives. Further, the arrangement will present a workshop course in order to empower the assistants to partake in the way of life of Disney. This is whereby the assistants will be acquainted with the different exercises that go on in the association. This will quick track their admission into the work power of the association, boosting their individual certainty and the general execution of the association. The arrangement would likewise empower the assistants to connect with the administrators and elevated level workers of Disney and this will open up considera bly more open doors for them. The preparation strategies in this preparation plan will remember the utilization of the standard for class preparing close by different procedures of preparing including the utilization of recreations, conduct displaying, tutoring, hands on preparing and occupation revolution. These different techniques for preparing will help the understudy in acing the important abilities required for the activity. These techniques for preparing will manage an individual all the more completely as it looks to grant the information required, yet in addition to give a hand on way to deal with handling the activity. Utilizing this arrangement will improve the productivity of the assistant in holding the abilities conferred. Occupation

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Third Party Politics Essay Research Paper There free essay sample

Outsider Politics Essay, Research Paper There is by all accounts all the more new ideological groups with each go throughing political decision. A few people contend that these new gatherings offer individuals tired of bipartizan political relations as regular a new pick. In spite of the fact that any of these gatherings only occasionally win decisions the announcement is made that they play an of import work in giving a voice to voters tired of republican and law based fundamental. The announcement is made that by deciding in favor of a third party campaigner an individual can do a dissent polling form of sorts. Notwithstanding, I do non accept that a dissent polling form is a decent ground to decide in favor of a campaigner. To start with, outsider campaigners all the more every now and again times so non work simply in the capacity of spoiler. This is especially evident in close races. At the point when an outsider campaigner serves in the capacity of spoiler they can disfranchise the greater part of the balloters for a certain campaigner. In this way overruling the genuine will of the individuals. I feel this abuses fundamental cardinal guidelines of majority rules system. Second, I accept new political decision Torahs are required. I accept outsider campaigners should hold to run into new hardened measures to run in a general political race. This would ensure that the outsider campaigner would hold a reasonable viewpoint of triumph. This would smother the capacity of spoiler. At last, I accept with new political race rules refering outsiders that the balloters can be given a new pick each piece great as vouching a fair political decision. There are numerous newly shaped political outsiders. These gatherings incorporate, the Reform Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, the Natural Law Party, and the US Citizens Party. The Reform party is one of the more generally known about these. Ross Perot established the Reform Party a few mature ages prior. This gathering made a group of bombilation about third party political relations. What's more, when Ross Perot ran for President under his newly established gathering s pennant numerous individuals balloted for him as a choice to the Democratic and Republican Gathering campaigners. Many feel this caused the republican campaigner Bob Dole to free the political race the equitable campaigner Bill Clinton. Accordingly the outsider in this political race served in the capacity of spoiler for the Republican Gathering campaigner. The second generally known about these gatherings would be the Green Party. Their front grown-up male and previous presidential campaigner is Ralph Nader. The Green party has been around field-grade official r a piece yet has only late picked up in notoriety in the 2,000 decisions. This due in divide to its front grown-up male Ralph Nader. He hosts introduced the get-together as the gathering of modification and the genuine voice of the individuals. Nader got roughly two for every centum of the well known voting form in the general political race for leader of the United States on November 7. That does non sound like a lot, all things considered the announcement can, what's more, has been made that it had a sensational outcome on the political decision. Nader got around three for each centum of the polling form in Florida. That is critical when you consider at these days Chasm W. Shrubbery simply drives Vice President Al Gore by five hundred and thirty seven voting forms. This one time again represents how an outsider campaigner can overrule the genuine will of the individuals. Nonetheless, numerous individuals like the perfect of outsiders. They put stock in interferences up the mastery of the vote based furthermore, republican gatherings as a rule races. They contention has been made that it keeps up our political framework genuine. I accept there is some fact to this announcement. Outsiders can give a voice to specific areas of our society that vibe that they are non be spoken to by the current political position quo. This may let everybody to feel as though they have a state in out specialists. All things considered, I do accept that for the most segment tierce parties simply serve in the capacity of spoilers. I relentlessly accept that they can overrule the desire of the individuals in an political decision. This is significantly more genuine in a nearby political race. The evidents from past each piece great as the current presidential political race would hope to prove this. I accept the valid will of the balloters to be superseding and should non be defeated by an outsider campaigner who has no reasonable viewpoint of triumph. I accept that new run Torahs are expected to smother this conceivable subverting of the genuine will of the greater part of the balloters. There should be all the more solid rules and requests for any gatherings wanting to run a campaigner in a general political decision. I accept all third parties that desire to run a campaigner in any broad political decision should hold to turn out that there is a reasonable standpoint of triumph. As such the voters will can non be subverted. At last I think with new run guidelines the capacity of the spoiler can be disposed of for good. I accept this will pass on correspondence and value to all races.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders

Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders Being a leader is not as easy as most people think. There is a lot on the line, and you have to think of every possible negative or positive outcome in order to finish the given assignments.Having said that, being a good leader is a trait most people become aware of earlier in their lives and then further develop those skills to become better.However, for every 3 good leaders, there must also come 5 leaders who do not show much-needed leadership skills and thus beg the question “why are they leaders” to come up in spectators’ minds.Furthermore, the characteristics that make them incompetent is what also makes them being more bosses than leaders, the distinction between those two is that former is all about the job being done without any creative or any other input or help, while the latter is one that would help the team, be supportive and a guide to all the new and experienced colleagues, and teach them as well as learn from them.In further text, in addition to a kind of a psy chological analysis of these leaders, you will also find out more about which traits these “incompetent” leaders all share, a mini analysis of each and every one of those traits, and which ones are better suited for a better leader instead, as well as some factors that might affect these bad traits that are grounded in most of the “incompetent” type of leaders. NARCISSISM AS CAUSE AND THE EFFECT OF LEADERSHIPThe key weakness of every incompetent leader is their narcissism.Basically, self-admiration is never something that is an indication of good leadership. It is considered a serious issue that can have a huge negative impact on the workplace, and the whole team, which can lead to counterproductive work.It is not very difficult to spot a narcissistic person. Among other things, a narcissistic colleague or leader will only express loyalty towards himself or herself and their own agenda, ignoring the needs of their subordinates, putting their own interests before the interest s of the collective.NARCISSISM AS A DRIVING FORCE OF MODERN DAYS LEADERSThe key weakness of every incompetent leader is their narcissism.Basically, self-admiration is rarely a trait that indicates good leadership.It is considered to be a serious issue that can have a huge negative impact on the workplace, and the whole team, which can lead to counterproductive work.It is not very difficult to spot a narcissistic person.Among other things, a narcissistic colleague or leader will only express loyalty towards himself or herself and their own agenda, ignoring the needs of his subordinates, putting their personal interests before the interests of the collective.However, being a narcissist can result in a certain charismatic appeal that these people often have.Thats why there are tons of tutorials on how to deal with them because people need to be coached to confront them effectively.The thing is that Narcissism or Narcissistic Personality Disorder is classified as a mental disorder by th e American Psychiatric Association.In order to get better, the person has to be self-aware and aware of their surroundings and various detriments that behavior causes, and be willing to focus on their subordinates more than on their own image and personal needs.However, narcissists are already self-aware to a great level.Thats what causes them to perfect themselves in all the manners that they can think of.Their agenda, after all, is perfection because theyre so obsessed with themselves.These are highly intelligent individuals who can often fool the shrewdest of the psychiatrists.You can imagine how such a person can easily climb the corporate ladder and succeed in anything, however, the length of their run will not be satisfactory. As for the person in charge, becoming a leader is not a difficult task for a narcissistic person.Having that goal already in mind from the beginning, the narcissistic leader knows how to talk their way into anything.That high levels of confidence that a narcissistic person has is the thing that allows them to talk their way to a higher position in the work chain, coupled with the fact that the person will always have a high and mighty view of themselves, thinking that it deserves to be at the top, no matter whether they are up to the task or not.LACK OF EMPATHYS PART IN THE EFFICIENCYEmpathy is a characteristic which embodies the capacity to understand others’ feelings the moment they experience them, or in layman’s terms: to put yourself in another’s position.One can immediately see why lacking this skill is detrimental for the leader and their team of colleagues.The lack of empathy in leaders can be a problem as such leaders see their team as mere machines.Some higher-ups like leaders who do not show emotions, as they are guaranteed to finish their assignments in time, without question, all while enforcing military-like discipline.That is why in some cases this trait is desirable in higher positions.These people also desire leadership positions because they link lack of empathy with discipline, and are sure that good results come from a disciplined and hard-working team.Lacking empathy, they are also not afraid to get what they want however they can, feeling no remorse if they step over other people along the way. That ruthlessness they possess is what drives them to go further and become a leader.Luckily, a lot of new companies try to reinforce empathy in their leadership, as they bring a boost in productivity, according to Dev Patnaik, writer of the 2009 book “Wired to Care”.CLOSE MINDEDNESS INSTEAD OF DISCIPLINEHaving a close-minded leader is one of the greatest challenges a workplace can have, and it can become a huge hurdle to jump over.A close-minded leader is considered to be the leader that is not open to any new ideas or constructive criticism to their own ideas.He/she does not welcome change and is reluctant to change their own beliefs or to alter their own knowledge and add to it.Furthe rmore, it is very difficult to change their opinions or sway them to a side other than theirs.If one is close-minded, the company is sure to suffer, as the influx of new solutions will be limited.You can improve the success of the organization by simply embracing new ideas, sharing plans with each and every member of your team. Close-minded people are usually not able to think in new ways, and become yes men.They strive to be in leadership positions because they are mostly obedient people who will not question anything, while always asking the superiors for advice on the next step.Being unwilling to learn anything new, they quickly decline to talk about new ideas and shut down any criticism the team might have, further establishing their position as an uncompromising leader.Another reason they might be ideal for the leadership positions is that they, always siding and concurring with the upper management, boost the managements egos by never questioning and challenging their opinions .The positive thing about this is that they are closely linked with the upper management and that if there ever comes a change of management, the close-minded will surely leave the position with the one who put him there.SELFISHNESS AS A MEANS OF SUCCESSThis characteristic is an umbrella-term for basically any action that the only one benefits from.This trait is the most destructive one encountered in the workplace as it destroys the atmosphere in the team, destroys the balance of workload, and causes the assignments to completely miss the desired mark.A selfish leader is more prone to withholding an important piece of information which could prove beneficial to the team, in order to bring it up at the meeting and look better than them.Furthermore, they do not like teaching others and providing the team with knowledge which could help fulfill the assignment.These kinds of people want to be leaders simply because they want to advance.They are psychologically wired to try to achieve t he most by doing the least and to bring others down to climb up.Obtaining leadership is, in their eyes, a necessity. They achieve that by simply taking all the credit for the colleagues’ investment, and building their career even higher up.They present themselves as good and capable workers, ready to tackle challenges and bring the corporation on the next level, the upper management sees their results and promotes them, unaware that the results were not their own merit.OVER-AMBITIOUSNESS AS A MANNER OF GETTING TO THE TOPThese two can be closely linked to the previous entry, as they can act as triggers for selfishness, but are complex enough to warrant a separate entry.A healthy dose of ambitiousness is the thing that drives us to do great things and achieve what we want. Sometimes that can evolve into an over-ambitiousness.The most dangerous in a leader is the point where he or she realizes that they want more, even though their abilities cannot follow.In that case, the leader can make impossible requests from his team.The second is the wish to distinguish themselves as competent.This wish for self distinction again might come from the surroundings and upbringing, meaning they want to prove to everybody else that they can become something more than they were as young.This wish is also dangerous for his surroundings as these leaders always feel the need to show themselves in the best light and show that they can go even further.The problem occurs if the leader is deemed incompetent, and still has the need to distinguish himself as a capable man.Here the need only comes in way of successfully doing the assignments, instead of stopping for a moment and thinking about the next step that could help the whole team, as well as the leader.A person who is over-ambitious has a natural tendency to strive for greatness, even though it seems impossible.An over-ambitious person does not see anything else but the highest position that, in their head, belongs to them.Having said that, it is pretty easy to say why this type of person is a leader: because all they want is to be leaders.They think they deserve better, even if they are doing an excellent job in a different position, they will not stay calm until they get promoted to the top spot.As for a person who wants to distinguish himself or herself, they share the same traits, just different psychological fuel.These leaders are there because they feel others think less of themselves and have a constant need to prove themselves to other people.They are in the leadership positions because the higher-ups have rewarded their hard work and dedication, however, these leaders climb the corporate ladder out of selfish reasons.OVERCONFIDENCE AS A TRAIT OF INCOMPETENT LEADERSHIPIf a leader is overconfident that everything will fall into place, but does not do anything to ensure that it will eventually fall into place, then that leader is not a good one.Overconfident leaders would more than occasionally take m ore work than their team can chew, which can either lead to a wake-up call for the leader, to take a minute and analyze himself or herself and their team, and prepare better for a future endeavor by relating back to this experience, or they can learn nothing, exhaust the team with impossible demands, and not move from square one.The latter is more common when talking about incompetent leaders.Those leaders that are overconfident always set the bar too high, even for themselves.That is how they become leaders. Their environment usually doesnt notice the fine nuances between being confident and overconfident.Overconfident people are usually promising the higher-ups that every project will be done, and they succeed because they surround themselves with good teams of people.They know how to achieve success, but they simply do not know how to manage time and resources, which in companies where the number of project goals fulfilled is the only measurement of success, is unimportant.They o ften think that past success means that future success is bound to happen and that a leadership position is just their previous position with bit more responsibilities and a better paycheck.That overconfidence is what makes them think that they would be great leaders which sometimes is enough for them to try and get to that leadership position.LACK OF SELF-AWARENESSThe self-awareness aspect is one of the most important characteristics that a healthy worker or a leader can have.Self-awareness is not only important because it gives you insight into who you are. It also enables you to easily develop other traits like honesty, humility, and confidence, but it can also make you aware of your weaknesses and help you better understand how to get rid of them.Leaders who lack self-awareness are most likely to be unable to further develop their skills, as they are unable to fully and truthfully analyze or criticize themselves.You have to be aware of your skills if you want to utilize them, yo u cannot overestimate your skills, because that way your failure is guaranteed.However, if you are fully aware of your and your team’s possibilities, then you are on the right track.Leaders who lack self-awareness are less likely to surround themselves with the like-minded, self-aware people, even though the performance of the whole team would be better when each and every member of the whole collective is aware of their strengths and weaknesses and take up parts of the assignments that are most suited for them, while learning more about other parts that are not their forte.The way and the reasons these people achieve leadership status is similar to the ones weve mentioned before.These types of people are usually rewarded for obedience more than for their skills.The difference is that they rarely are aware of it, and even if they are, they choose to stay in that position as long as they are able to.These people do not feel the need to become leaders, neither do they want to make t he best of it if they stumble upon the position; they just choose to keep the title and pray that the minimum amount of knowledge they have will help them stay a bit longer in the position.In laymans terms, these leaders are just there because they have been given the opportunity, and they often do not care for that position as our other entries. Source: hbr.orgSOCIETYS ROLE IN THE INAUGURATION OF INCOMPETENT INDIVIDUALSIt is important to keep in mind that you should always strive to be a leader who will do their best to support the teams that work under the leader.Being supportive and a guide to all is what makes you not only a competent leader but a successful one who cares about his or her team members.In the text the most important aspects of an incompetent leader are talked about, although there are most certainly many other characteristics that may or may not deserve a spot in this text, these ones are the most common ones that can be seen in every aspect of life, and that are most commonly seen in people in leadership positions.If you have read this text and have found yourself in some of the entries, do not fall into despair, there are always ways to improve yourself as long as you are willing to do such a thing.Having said all this, one must be aware that, in the end, being a leader does not fully depend on having th ese characteristics, a significant portion of one becoming a leader comes from the surroundings’ acceptance of the said person.The surroundings meaning the people, who surround the said individual and shape the person in a certain image, can see certain person’s achievements as something amazing or as something that could have been achieved with greater ease.For an example: achieving something by taking a hard and long way full of learning curves and lessons can be seen as an excellent milestone by some, but in other people’s view, if a shorter and “lesson free” exists, our up and coming leader is crazy not to take it.To put it short, the system of beliefs of the future leaders is instilled with by the surroundings is what makes him incompetent or competent, hard-working fool or zero experienced embodiment of success.That is why a healthy proportion of the incompetence of the higher-ups can be put on society.We will cover how can societys teachings shape a human being into being a bad leader in further writing of the text.SOCIETY AS A WHOLEBefore talking about concrete things that mold our way of thinking, we need to say a few words about modern society as a whole.The system of values today is something that does not give its upholders and future workers any motivation and hope for the future.Every day people are bombarded with news about insignificant people who have somehow succeeded in life, in one way or another by simply working too hard.Thats whats called the American Dream.The irony of it is that, the more we venture into the future, the more its becoming a pipe dream.Sometimes those from zero to hero stories include completely immoral behavior which is nevertheless celebrated as successful.Individuals easily conclude that they will be rewarded by mimicking that behavior, no matter how insufficient or unneeded it may seem.That is why you have new generations of overconfident leaders, narcissistic leaders, leaders with no self-awareness, becaus e the new generation sees them being rewarded, and expect the same to happen to them.To comment on the system that allows and tolerates such things to happen, it is not easy to find the root of the problem.The result is that people are just used to being surrounded by incompetent people in their neighborhood that seeing a plethora of them on high ranking positions is simply a mundane thing.The word politician is these days almost synonymous with the word criminal and most people associate these two noble callings.The problem is that society accepted such phenomena as the standard.A general solution would be to completely overhaul the system via promotion of knowledge, hard work, and above all, a reward for people who exhibit all the good traits, and, most importantly, coverage of these people, as they should become the new mold for the next generations.To further elaborate on some specifics:ATTITUDES ABOUT HARD WORKThe qualities that had made a worker important are not appreciated f ully, nowadays.Today hard work is not something young people run towards.In the past, people were taught that with hard work, everything will be obtainable, as success does not come overnight.Today, young men are more and more being taught to avoid hard work and look for shortcuts.While its efficient to be able to find them when you can, you shouldnt look for an easy way out by default because in some professions, opting for a shortcut results with shortcomings.Although the hard way can always be beneficiary no matter what field of life it is applied to, society nowadays is focused on the “from rags to riches” story and its possible shortcuts, not realizing it is the road that makes it possible.By undermining this fundamental trait, society is accepting the system in which hard work is something that you will just make you tired while promoting the string pulling technique.Society showed that it would respect a person who is in a leadership position by string pulling more than a person that earned that position with hard work and self-improvement.As mentioned before, society pushes its own skewed view of hard work and reward system, that it simply and bluntly tells you to stop trying to work hard, there will always be someone better who will nab the thing you want in front of you.Many people nowadays believe that the only way to achieve something and make something out of yourself is to put the minimum effort into improving yourself in every way, as it is just a waste of time.On the other hand, praising hard work can be a capitalistic myth devised to manipulate people into being exploited and motivating them to work harder and earn for their bosses in order to realize the pipe dream.MATERIALISM AND NEPOTISMThe modern society is focused on materialism more than ever.A materialistic society can only produce more people focused on materialism. It was mentioned previously in the text that focusing more on money than on other aspects of your work surroundings i s not as beneficial as the other way around.The society is constantly being bombarded with propaganda about famous people having expensive trips so much that our brains are wired to think that the only stuff that matters is the wealth we possess.Its easier to get there in a group and that is where the nepotism starts.Materialistic society creates materialistic people, who will eventually value experience less.These people will become workers, these workers will get promoted to leaders, and these leaders will value materialism more than experience and knowledge. It is a domino effect that starts with the worldview.The society is always teaching you to find the easy way, and there is no easiest way than getting a job at a place where your close kin is high position at. Even though that sounds interesting, there is no real learning experience from nepotism.The best way one learns and earns experience is from failure. You have to have multiple successes, and do not let failures get unde r your skin. Learn from them, and continue on.In the end, there is a possibility the future leader will be sheltered at the current position.Those leaders will not learn to put themselves back on their feet after a failure or feel a sense of accomplishment after a successful task, as they will be brought mostly as yes-men.When such a person becomes a leader along the track, they will not be ready for the burdens that their position bringsIn conclusion, materialism and nepotism are two sides of a bad coin.One stops you from bettering yourself and the other stops you from learning from your mistakes.Both stop you from being a competent leader.EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMThe system today focuses more on the mechanical repetition and reproduction of acquired data.You cant really call that education no more than you can call that learning.Instead of focusing on other aspects of learning, such as reinforcing critical thinking in students, and focusing more on the practical parts of the lessons, the educational system forces you to learn certain parts of subjects for which you do not know the practical applicability in later life.For those subjects, the students choose to cheat, thus reinforcing that feeling that cheating is the easiest way out when backed up against a wall while putting the action of “thinking of a solution or an easier way to learn” at the end of the wagon.That point can be achieved by training yourself to think outside the box, to think more metaphysically and philosophically, in short, to stretch out and train your brain.This way of learning further shows that the more one listens and the less one talks, the better the reward hell get.By the time they get to the leadership position, they will have lost the ability to think critically and make proper decisions.They will try to apply outdated and pre-learned solutions that are incompatible with the newly risen problems in the company.Of course, not all systems are proved to be insufficient. One of the mo st successful systems of education is considered to be Finland’s whose system is focused on cooperation among students, the mental health of students, a relaxed and motivating work atmosphere, and bonding between teachers and students. The system of Finland provides excellent results and as of 2014. They have been in the top of PISA.In the end, you should not always wholly blame society. The society, as it is in other countries as well, is always volatile in nature, there are always good and bad apples on the tree.You just need to be aware that it has a strong hold on a young person’s mind and its upbringing.Its effects on a person can be counter-effected by simply knowing that it shapes you and by a simple self-evaluation where you can put your strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper, and simply reinforce the strengths by eliminating or mitigating the weakness. In the end that is how one becomes a good leader: by being aware of his weaknesses and doing his best to get rid of them. Source: yle.fiREVISIONTo do a little reality-check of your or your bosses leadership capabilities, just ask/answer to these questions.Do you prefer adapting to others or make others adapt to your style of work?You should always try to at least hear other people’s way of thinking and problem approaching skills; you can always learn something new by just looking at a problem from a new perspective.Do you blame other people or yourself for your failures?This is a big question.Of course, there are times when other colleagues make mistakes, but if you always blame others, that is not a sign of good leadership.You should not be afraid of failures; they are the building blocks of your work personality and work ethics and must be gone through sooner rather than later.Do you like giving orders and letting people work or receiving orders and working with others?The ultimate leadership question, the answer which tells whether you are a boss or a leader. A good leader is someone who works thro ugh problems together with their team, shares the good sides and the bad sides, and someone on whom the teammates will always rely.The boss is there to give the assignment and expect the assignment to be done as soon as possible, not wanting to hear excuses or problems that might occur during the work.Now you know where you stand. Are you a leader or a boss?Whichever half of the questions you have found yourself in, always be aware that not every boss is a born leader, but to do the job in the most successful way and avoid the dreaded “incompetent” adjective, you must try your best and be a leader to your colleagues and workers.CONCLUSIONIt is not an easy job to be a leader. If it were that easy, each and every one of us would be a beacon of amazing leadership.However, as with every other skill, leadership is exactly that, and it can be learned, at least to a certain degree. Each one of us should consider his/her personal responsibility to continue bettering ourselves and realiz ing that we can learn something new every day.Furthermore, always be aware of the distinction between a boss and a leader: A good leader is always there for the team, will put his experience, skills, knowledge on disposal to the team. Leaders are the first in lines to fail or succeed and they do both as a team.A boss, on the other hand, is someone who is there but does not express any helping advice, or interest to help their team achieve success.Bosses are there only to take laurels, but they rarely take the fall. In other words, bosses are incompetent leaders.Its a vicious circle where incompetent leaders lead society to its decadence and a decadent society produces incompetent leaders, so each one of us should watch out for the given features of the incompetent leaders.We should all work together to break the cycle.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay - 577 Words

During its years of existence, The United States of America had seen 42 presidents governing its citizens and created policies, amendment and laws which they have lived by. But in 1933, a man with views and a character different than his predecessors won the trust of millions of Americans who at one point had no hopes, and a future seemed unclear. His name was Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man whose willingness to build the economy of his country as the most powerful nation, brought admiration not only among his fellow American citizens, but the rest of the world’s. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on 1882 in Hyde Park, NY. Campobello, the Canadian Island which lies between Maine and Nova Scotia in the Bay of Fundy was the playground of†¦show more content†¦FDR’s proposals during his campaign were not so clear, but the American people who thought that Hoover was not taking them anywhere, gave FDR the seat of the White House in 1932. (2) On inauguration day in 1933, Admiral Grayson reported to the White House that the weather was the worst any President had had since Taft in 1909. Franklin Roosevelt peered out of the window and observed the crowd in the rain and said: if they can take it, I can. During the ride to the capitol, FDR kept the window of his limousine down and waved at the hundreds of people standing along Pennsylvania avenue. At the Capitol, the inaugural platform was open to the rain but this incident did not impede FDR to give his speech. For two hours, he paused twice to wiped the rain off his face(3). During his speech FDR gave a clear statement of reconstruction and was determined to bring the country’s economical crisis to a halt. In his first radio broadcast, he gave the nation new courage, at that point he won the nation’s confidence. He reopened banks, took the dollar off gold, brought back beer. He put together a new alphabet: AAC (Agricultural Adjustment Act), CCC (Civilian Conse rvation Corps), NRA (National Recovery Administration), PWA (Public Works Administration), TVA (Tennessee: Valley Authority). (4). These programs had three specific goals: Relief, Recovery and Reform, better know as FDR’s New Deal. When he was done with his speech, FDR made a choiceShow MoreRelatedFranklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay1224 Words   |  5 Pages Napolean Bonaparte once stated, â€Å"A leader is a dealer in hope.† Hoover and Roosevelt had very different viewpoints on how to handle the Great Depression. Hoover preferred â€Å"rugged individualism,† and FDR preferred â€Å"helping hand† philosophies. Hoover believed in assisting business in hope that this support would create a trickle down impact which would lead to investment and more jobs. FDR, on the other hand, wanted to provide people with jobs to increase confidence and correcting failures in certainRead MoreFranklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay850 Words   |  4 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s program of relief, recovery, and reform that aimed at solving the economic problems created by the Depression of the 1930’s, was referred to as the New Deal. The Great So ciety was the name given to the domestic program of the U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson. Both programs had similar yet opposing points. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Something had to be done about the banking system disintegration, andRead MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt was one of the most amazing men in U.S. history. FDR was the only president700 Words   |  3 Pages Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the most amazing men in U.S. history. FDR was the only president to run for four terms. He had a wife kids and a mother who he lived with he was also the only president who was paralyzed from the waist down. He was elected president in November 1932 for his first four year term. In the first 100 days of his presidency would become his most famous ones. During the first 100 days he created a alphabet soup of government agencies such as the CCC, the WPA, and theRead More Axelrod’s Quotations of Franklin Roosevelt in ‘Nothing to Fear: Lessons in Leadership from FDR’532 Words   |  2 Pagesmade Theodore Roosevelt. However Axelrods quotes and points are often valid in his paper ‘Nothing to Fear: Lessons in Leadership from FDR’. Axelrod’s points are proved valid for three reasons: (1) Axelrod talks about Roosevelt had polio; (2) Axelrod quoted multiple sources to help the audience to further understand what Roosevelt was saying, (3) Axelrod use quotation in appropriate ways. 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After his father passed away, Roosevelt pursued social status ratherRead MoreFranklin Delano Roosevelt s First 100 Days1396 Words   |  6 PagesProfessor Pfiffner May 4, 2017 Term Paper Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s First 100 Days The Great Depression was one of the biggest economic downfalls of the United States in its history. One man changed the direction of the country by working diligently to bring the United States out of this depression. His personality, charisma, and ability to overcome his own suffering brought life back into a country who was divested by the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, came up with a package of policyRead MoreFDR: The Greatest President Essay example1174 Words   |  5 PagesFDR: The Greatest President Who was the greatest president of the United States? There have been many great presidents in the history of the U.S. Many presidents have led our country through very trying times. Some people believe Lincoln was the greatest president. However, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led our country at times when a great leader was needed. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the greatest president of the United States because of his New Deal, his great leadership skills, and hisRead MoreFDR Inaugural Address817 Words   |  3 PagesFDR Inaugural Address Speech Analysis Essay In arguably one of the most powerful of American political addresses ever given, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt argues that, â€Å"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’, and that in order to restore America to its pre-depression state, the American people must believe that he can lead them through the Great Depression, so long as they appoint him the wartime executive powers required to handle the situation effectively. Roosevelt emphasizes the

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The 5 Conservative Women Most Likely to Become President

Four women are early frontrunners to be part of a 2016 presidential ticket. As voters and the media continue to obsess over the next first in national electoral politics, these four Republican women make a strong case to be part of such a ticket. The Democrats will likely throw down with failed First Lady-turned-Failed-Senator-turned-failed-Secretary-of-State Hillary Clinton. But Republicans have a diverse group of candidates with compelling stories and strong records of success. Condoleezza Rice Many had hoped that the former Secretary of State and National Security adviser would have been Mitt Romneys pick in 2012. Though she was passed over for Paul Ryan, Condi Rice remains popular with Republican voters and the general public at-large. She was easily the most well-regarded figure in the George W. Bush administration. Rice would have seemed an unlikely selection prior to 2012 as many within the Republican Party stepped back and re-evaluated their foreign policy thinking. But after watching the isolationist, weak, indecisive and rogue foreign policy decisions of the Obama administration, a candidate Rice is starting to look quite appealing. With Russia, Iran, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and ISIS being a much bigger issue now than they were in 2008 and 2012, Rices experience and knowledge could not be matched by many others. And as almost none of the frontrunners for the Republican nomination have any in-depth foreign policy experience, she could provide that in a year where it will matter. And if Hillary were to be the Democratic nominee in 2016, who better to explain the world as it was left to Hillary, and the world Hillary let it become? Seeing Rice picked as Jeb Bushs running-mate is no stretch given her ties to the family. But she could also be a compelling pick for Rand Paul, someone who clearly has a different foreign policy perspective but who is a candidate who needs to satisfy the concerns of foreign policy conservatives. It would be an interesting and compelling ticket. It could be an unexpectedly brilliant ticket as well. [Potential: Vice-Presidential Nominee] Nikki Haley The Governor of South Carolina should cruise to second term in 2014.   By 2016, she will have 6 years of executive experience on her resume that includes a solid record of job creation and a drastic reduction in the unemployment rate. She has worked tirelessly to improve the business climate of the state and attract major businesses to relocate. Should she run for President, she would also have the clear upper-hand in the South Carolina primary, one of the 4 premier battlegrounds with a designation as the first-in-the-south contest. She is the daughter or Indian immigrants and her husband did a full-year tour in Afghanistan in 2013. She also appointed the popular Tim Scott to the US Senate seat vacated by Jim DeMint. [Potential: Presidential or Vice-Presidential Nominee] Susana Martinez The Governor of New Mexico makes sense as a Presidential of Vice-Presidential pick for many reasons. She is a female Latina Governor in a world obsessed with checking off boxes of firsts, and she would be a two-for-one deal. But beyond the identity politics, Martinez has proven a practical and tough figure. Her electoral accomplishments have come in New Mexico, a bluish-purple state that voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012 by double-digit margins, proving she has broad appeal. As the GOP struggles to convince minority and women voters to give the Republican Party a chance, Martinez is a pretty effective voice in that regard: Martinez was a Democrat who shifted to the Republican Party after being personally convinced that her states values were conservative ones. Its an argument that Republicans will need if they want to broaden their support base. [Potential: Presidential or Vice-Presidential Nominee] Carly Fiorina Fiorina has never held political office, but the first female CEO of a Fortune 50 company proved to be a very smart and disciplined politician in her 2016 run for President. Conservatives took to Fiorinas aggressive style, but she never had a base to draw from with a dozen other established candidates in the field. However, look for her to be a top option for US Senator Ted Cruz if he somehow upends Trump for the GOP nomination in 2016. Kelly Ayotte The US Senator from New Hampshire will be up for re-election in 2016. This presents a problem for her and many other Republicans from the 2010 Senate class such as Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rob Portman, and Ron Johnson: to run for re-election in a tough state; quit and run for President; or do both. So far, only Rand Paul has indicated that he wants to both run for President and re-election to the US Senate. Unlike the other candidates, his Senate seat will likely not be competitive so it is less of an issue. For Ayotte, doing both is not practical and she would be a long-shot as a Presidential contender in such a crowded field. But as a VP prospect she brings a lot to the table. She is a fairly popular US Senator and the only female contender with Northeastern credentials, an geographic region of struggle for Republicans. However, she lacks the foreign policy experience of Dr. Rice and the executive experience of Haley and Martinez, so her selection could appear more optics than exper ience. [Potential: Presidential or Vice-Presidential Nominee]

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Clinical Governance Improving the Continuing Education of Nurses Free Essays

Clinical Governance Improving the Continuing Education of Nurses – Myth or Reality? Nurse Management MSc Practice Development Nursing Practice Route Faculty of Community Studies, Law and Education The Manchester Metropolitan University Jean Rogers Tutor: Mary Shaw Submission Date: 8th August 2005 Word Count: Nursing has changed radically over the last two decades and is continuing to do so. Some would say for the better others for the worse (Rushford and Ireland 1997). The purpose of this assignment is to offer a critical analysis of clinical governance as it applies to nursing and the effect it has had on nurses’ on going continuing educational needs. We will write a custom essay sample on Clinical Governance Improving the Continuing Education of Nurses or any similar topic only for you Order Now By the term critical analysis I do not mean that I shall attempt to discredit clinical governance, or claim that it is harmful to patients or staff. Instead, I will attempt to discern its nature in a rigorous way and examine how it has led to a change in the way professionals and patients in health care are conceptualised and how this has had an effect on the on going continuing education of nurses. The introduction of clinical governance has resulted in change not only in nursing practice but also in the subjectivity of nurses and their educational needs. Staff do appear to be embracing the notion of clinical governance, however there appears to be very few changes apparent at the level of patient care (Brown and Crawford 2001). The major changes appear to involve their attitudes, and how they conceptualise themselves and their work. In addition, the introduction of clinical governance appears to involve encouraging a new kind of consciousness on the part of patients, amongst whom a greater degree of responsibility is demanded. In reviewing the literature on clinical governance in nursing it appears that there have not been many critics. Indeed, searching the main electronic databases which cover topics which relate to nursing the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), Psycinfo and Medline and numerous books has not revealed material which adopts a critical stance towards clinical governance and evidence based practice which are currently ‘buzz words’ in the nursing profession and the broader network of health care provision in the United Kingdom (UK) as a whole. There has been some criticism in relation to nursing research This omission is surprising as Brown and Crawford (2001) maintain the efforts of commercial organisations to change their culture and urge this change on their workforce is similar to those changes being encouraged in the health care system and have been subject to considerable debate and critical analysis (Du Gay, 1997, Casey, 1999). Yet overwhelmingly the nursing literature has concentrated on how the process of clinical governance can be facilitated rather than anything else (Lilley, 1999; McSherry and Haddock, 1999). In order to critically analyse these concepts it is judicious to define clinical governance. Clinical governance has been promoted as a way of managing the organisation, resourcing and delivery of health care in the UK for several years now and it is a process which has grown in strength and popularity during that time. The standard definition of clinical governance which is promoted in the literature is from the paper a first class service (Department of Health (DH), 1998) is that it is a Framework through which National Health Service (NHS) organisations are accountable for continuously improving the quality of their services, and safeguarding high standards of care, by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish. (Page ) In addition to this, the precise pathways under which this was to be achieved were elaborated in an earlier document The New NHS: Modern and Dependable (DH, 1997) which outlined three major strands in the strategy. First, there was to be a set of clear national standards, delivered through national service frameworks (DH, 1999) and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). Second, the local delivery of quality services was to be undertaken via the mechanism of clinical governance and a statutory duty of quality and this was to be supported by lifelong learning programmes and professional self-regulation. Thirdly, the services themselves were to be monitored via the Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) and the NHS Performance Framework (Lilley, 1999). However, very often these bodies and mechanisms of control are rather remote from everyday life in the ward and, staff and patients are made increasingly reliant on their own powers of self control in order to live up to these political and managerial imperatives (Holmes, 2001). It is the second strand that this assignment will be concentrating on. Conclusion Whatever nursing’s response to clinical governance, it is vital that nurses are aware of the kinds of changes which it will involve for their consciousness and subjectivity as practitioners in order to ensure they retain their professional independence in the light of these new policies. How to cite Clinical Governance Improving the Continuing Education of Nurses, Essay examples

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Code of Ethics in ICT-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Create a Code of Ethics that pertains to you and your Company that you work for. If you don't currently work then you can base your Code of Ethics on a Company you have worked for or would like to work for. Answer: Code of Ethics Code of ethics in ICT refers to positive ways in which technology is used to bring about positive impact to social developments in different organizations (Pivec, 2011). They provide guidance on how staff of given organization should use resources in a manner that protects the well-being of each employee in an organization as well the organization at large. Formulated organizational rules/guidelines are used for obtaining quality and productive results of the organizations (Reenen, 2010). Having worked at one of the county government offices I therefore recommend the following code of ethics as explained by Rogerson (Rogerson, 2011). Avoid misuse of organization ICT resources such as internet. Misuse refers to the use of organizational resources for functions other than those intended for by the organization. Employees should not use organizational resources on their own personal activities other than that stipulated by the organization. Therefore every employee should avoid any action that might result to misuse of county resources. Privacy and Confidentiality This moral principle enhances proper use of the organizational and personal information by observing privacy and confidentiality of the involved parties. Every information of the County government should be treated with high level of privacy and confidentiality. Respect relevant laws set by organizations. Every organization has laws that govern every function performed by every employee in an organization. Therefore ethical employees should observe these laws and adhere to them as they conduct their County duties. Avoid harming others Harm in an organization refers to any signs of dangers that might lead to personal/social damage. In an organizational set up such as the county government where I worked people engaged in an ethical behavior such as leaking of other peoples payroll details or health information that could raise disputes or even tarnish other employees image. Therefore a proper guideline that governs how people use other peoples information within or outside the organization would promote quality and ethical habits between all the staffs within the organization. These ethical behaviors are very important in governing employees behaviors and provide moral guidelines that help employees to observe organizational professional code of conduct (Council, 2010). Feedback form Feedback procedure and implementation plan The implementation of this code of ethics should be done by observing the following steps with respect to the feedback provided by all staffs in an organization, in this case the County offices (Artinian, 2010). Define the responsibilities of all county government members unit and promote/support acceptance of these responsibilities. The County government should introduce procedures and attitudes that promote quality and welfare of public/ society which will reduce harmful behaviors to the society in accordance to the stipulated code of ethics. This will be achieved by encouraging participation of staffs in meeting their social duties in providing quality performance as required. Personnel and resources management to design and build information/communication systems that promote quality working environment. When implementing this code of ethics, the county government should put into consideration the employees personal and professional development, safety, and human rights. Appropriate standards should be considered in governing the use of organization resources such as ICT at workplace. Provide proper support and organization's computing and information resources authorization in promoting code of ethics at work place. Computer network or ICT can be used to harm others or benefits an organization; therefore, respective teams should provide clearly defined appropriate and inappropriate uses of organizational resources. Based on the employees feedback on the implementation of the code of ethics, all employees needs should be clearly addressed and assessed in order to ensure that they are incorporated in the requirements statements and the county infrastructure should validate these requirements. Formulate policies that protect the well-being of employees and all the stake holders in the county government for proper implementation of this code of ethics. Organizations should not implement systems that demean employees dignity since this would be unethical. Schedule of compliance checks A regular checkup should be carried out in order to ensure that the county government employees adhere to the stipulated rules or code of ethics. This can be on a weekly or monthly basis by monitoring every activity carried out by the employees and making comparison with the stipulated ethical standards for compliancy. The supervisor should be able to view or monitor every activity carried out via the county network by the employees and ensure that it is within the County government laws. This will enhance integrity of the employees and support ethical behaviors within the organization. These regular checks will ensure that: The employees uphold the principles of the code of ethics defined and promote it. Adhere to the defined ethical habits in order to avoid violation of these principles which might lead to defined penalties. Therefore the organization should enhance periodic employees system check up to promote existence of this code of ethics. In case of any infringement penalties such as dismissal will be applied for misuse of county resources and thereof one will pay for the misused resource. Grievance policy This policy will provide a clear channel of dealing with the county employees grievances. It will consider employees concerns raised about a given action by fellow employees or management at large (Hospital, 2012). In case of a grievance raised by West Pokot County Government Employees, this shall be addressed with consideration of the County Government policies outlined and laws that govern the code of ethics. Therefore the organization shall follow these principles when addressing the grievances. Find out why the employ is aggrieved. Find facts that surround the employees concerns. Formulate solutions that address the employees grievances without causing harm to others or the organization at large. Communicate to the employee on the possible and impossible solutions. Do a thorough follow up to ensure that the employee issues are addressed. This will promote proper channel of communication within the county government as well as proper problem solving mechanisms to address concerns of the employees (acas, 2009). Rollout process and staff training plan Once all the laid down procedures are formulated and the County Government is ready to implement the desired set of standards, a proper documentation of the same should be provided to all the staffs or departments in order to promote availability and accessibility. Then training of the staffs should commence. This should be done starting with staffs holding high offices with more responsibilities downwards. This will create a more organized way of establishing the standards from high level to the lower levels. Thus it will be easier for lower level employees to embrace the standards since their superiors already did the same. Also supervisors will be able to lead by example and be able to monitor their juniors effectively. References acas, 2009. Disciplinary and grievance procedures. In acas, ed. Code of Practise 1. Ireland 16 Arthur Street: TSO(The Stationery Office). pp.5-16. Artinian, C.J., 2010. CODE OF ETHICS. Chicago: 325 N. LaSalle Street MORTON'S RESTAURANT GROUP, INC. Council, A., 2010. ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 August 2017]. Hospital, A., 2012. Policies. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 August 2017]. Pivec, F., 2011. Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct for Using ICT in Education. Research papers. Slovenia: Preernova ulica 17 IZUM. Reenen, V., 2010. The economic impact of ICT. Final report. London: Enterprise LSE. Rogerson, P.S., 2011. ICT Codes of Ethics. De Montfort University: CEPSIS Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lesson And Battle Royal Essays - Invisible Man, The Lesson

Lesson And Battle Royal The history of African integration into American society has been Permeated with human tragedy. Ever since the first slave boat reached the shore's of America, a deep affliction to the African race transpired. Generations upon generations were ravished by the rapacity of there captors. Kept enchained and illiterate for hundreds of years, the idea of Blacks as the Untermensch in American society was milled into the American psyche, the remnant of which still till today remains. Untermensch, a German word, meaning sub person has often been used to describe the African status compared to that of their white counterparts. In the short stories "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara and "Battle Royal" by Ralph Ellison, the authors use the idea of race determining the social structure in America where Black's are the Untermensch. In the short story "The Lesson", Bambara through fictional characters makes a serious social commentary. The story portrays a poor black neighborhood, where the narrator is poor little black girl who along with her friends is being thought at home by this old black lady named Ms. Moore. She despises Ms. Moore for dressing and talking proper and most importantly for making her come to study during the hot summer months. Sylvia (the narrator) a rough street kid is brought along with her street friends by Ms. Moore to a ritzy toy shop (FAO SHWARZ) where she and her friends are shown toys which can feed them for years. Sylvia along with her friends questions how people could such ridiculous amount of money on toys, to which one of the kids replies "that this is not much of a democracy if you ask me. Equal chance to pursue happiness means an equal crack at the dough don't it?"(164). That quote basically summarized the lesson, which Ms. Moore was trying to tell her kids. Sylvia and her friends were content with the "piece of pie" (163) they had received, Ms. Moore tried to point out how small it was and how it could change. The next short which in actuality is an part of the novel "The Invisible Man", is "Battle Royal" written by Ralph Ellison which also question the Blacks as the Untermensch. Much of the story contains a lot of symbolic text, which is what makes the reading so intriguing. At face value, its an story of a black H.S. graduate who makes an speech in front of an rowdy crowd after he has fought 10 other man in the ring, but in reality the story is saturated with massive symbolism. The narrator, an African American has just graduated from High School with honors, and is invited to speak in front of the elite community of the town. The setting of the play takes place in fictitious "boxing ring" where there is a naked women who commences the start of the boxing match. The contestant's in the ring are 10 black man who have been put assembled in the ring in order to start of this grand fight. In the audience are the lawyer's, doctors, bankers, teacher's, and judges all of whom were white, spectators of an event which pinned together 10 black men. The narrator (whose names is not revealed) was shock to find this. He had expected to give an enlightening speech about he racial operation in America, while the situation had seemed some what of an entertainment arena rather than a place where a speech can be given. Nevertheless the narrator chose to be part of this "event", just as long (as he had hoped) as was able to deliver this speech. In the Arena the 10 black guys fought against each other, while the spectators urged them on. In the end while all was set and done, a bloodied and damaged narrator made his dear speech to the deaf ears of an entertained audience. For all of this he came home with a college scholarship to a white sponsored black school. When he fell asleep he saw his grandfather who asked him to read a letter which said, "Keep this nigger-boy running"(. The meaning of the story lies in the symbolism. The 10 black men in the ring symbolizing how the white man pitted them against each other in order to keep his high status while they watched as eager spectators. The point of the story was that black community was never given the chance to rise as they were kept uneducated, fighting against each other, while the white man laughed at their expense.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Biography of Charles Darwin, 19th Century Naturalist

Biography of Charles Darwin, 19th Century Naturalist Charles Darwin (February 12, 1809–April 19, 1882) was a naturalist who originated the theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. Darwin holds a unique place in history as the foremost proponent of this theory. While he lived a relatively quiet and studious life, his writings were controversial in their day and still routinely spark controversy. As an educated young man, he embarked on an astounding voyage of discovery aboard a Royal Navy ship. Strange animals and plants he saw in remote places inspired his deep thinking about how life might have developed. And when he published his masterpiece, On the Origin of Species, he profoundly shook up the scientific world. Darwins influence on modern science is impossible to overstate. Fast Facts: Charles Darwin Known For: Originating the theory of evolution through natural selectionBorn: February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, EnglandParents: Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah WedgwoodDied: April 19, 1882 in Downe, Kent, EnglandEducation: Edinburgh University, Scotland, Cambridge University, EnglandPublished Works: On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural SelectionAwards and Honors:  Royal Medal, Wallaston Medal, Copley Medal (all for outstanding achievements in the sciences)Spouse: Emma WedgwoodChildren: William Erasmus Darwin, Anne Elizabeth Darwin, Mary Eleanor Darwin, Henrietta Emma Darwin, George Howard Darwin, Elizabeth Darwin, Francis Darwin, Leonard Darwin, Horace Darwin, Charles Waring Darwin Notable Quote: â€Å"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.† Early Life Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England. His father was a medical doctor, and his mother was the daughter of the famous potter Josiah Wedgwood. Darwin’s mother died when he was 8, and he was essentially raised by his older sisters. He was not a brilliant student as a child, but he went on to study at the University of Edinburgh Medical School in Scotland, at first intending to become a doctor. Darwin took a strong dislike to medical education and eventually studied at Cambridge. He planned to become an Anglican minister before becoming intensely interested in botany. He received a degree in 1831. Voyage of the Beagle On the recommendation of a college professor, Darwin was accepted to travel on the second voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle. The ship was embarking on a scientific expedition to South America and islands of the South Pacific, leaving in late December 1831. The Beagle returned to England nearly five years later, in October 1836. Darwins position on the ship was peculiar. A former captain of the vessel had become despondent during a long scientific voyage because, it was assumed, he had no intelligent person to converse with while at sea. The British Admiralty thought sending an intelligent young gentleman along on a voyage would serve a combined purpose: he could study and make records of discoveries while also providing intelligent companionship for the captain. Darwin was chosen to go aboard. Darwin spent more than 500 days at sea and about 1,200 days on land during the trip. He studied plants, animals, fossils, and geological formations and wrote his observations in a series of notebooks. During long periods at sea, he organized his notes. In the Galapagos The Beagle spent about five weeks in the Galapagos Islands. During that time, Darwin made a series of observations that had a significant impact on his new theories about natural selection. He was particularly intrigued by his discovery of major differences between species on different islands. He wrote: The distribution of tenants of this archipelago would not be nearly so wonderful if, for instance, one island has a mocking-thrush and a second island some other quite distinct species... But it is the circumstance that several of the islands possess their own species of tortoise, mocking-thrush, finches, and numerous plants, these species having the same general habits, occupying analogous situations, and obviously filling the same place in the natural economy of this archipelago, that strikes me with wonder. Darwin visited four of the Galapagos Islands, including Chatham Island (now San Cristobal), Charles (now Floreana), Albemarle, and James (now Santiago). He spent much of his time sketching, collecting specimens, and observing animals and their behavior. His discoveries would change the scientific world and rock the foundations of Western religion. Early Writings Three years after returning to England, Darwin published the Journal of Researches, an account of his observations during the expedition aboard the Beagle. The book was an entertaining account of Darwins scientific travels and was popular enough to be published in successive editions. Darwin also edited five volumes titled Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle, which contained contributions by other scientists. Darwin himself wrote sections dealing with the distribution of animal species and geological notes on fossils he had seen. Development of Darwins Thinking The voyage on the Beagle was, of course, a highly significant event in Darwin’s life, but his observations on the expedition were hardly the only influence on the development of his theory of natural selection. He was also greatly influenced by what he was reading. In 1838 Darwin read an Essay on the Principle of Population, which the British philosopher Thomas Malthus had written 40 years earlier. The ideas of Malthus helped Darwin refine his own notion of â€Å"survival of the fittest.† Darwins Ideas of Natural Selection Malthus had been writing about overpopulation and discussed how some members of society were able to survive difficult living conditions. After reading Malthus, Darwin kept collecting scientific samples and data, eventually spending 20 years refining his own thoughts on natural selection. Darwin married Emma Wedgwood in 1839. Illness prompted him to move from London to the country in 1842. His scientific studies continued, and he spent years studying various lifeforms to better understand their evolutionary processes. Publication of His Masterpiece Darwin’s reputation as a naturalist and geologist had grown throughout the 1840s and 1850s, yet he had not revealed his ideas about natural selection widely. Friends urged him to publish them in the late 1850s; it was the publication of an essay by Alfred Russell Wallace expressing similar thoughts that encouraged Darwin to write a book setting out his own ideas. In July 1858, Darwin and Wallace appeared together at the Linnean Society of London. And in November 1859, Darwin published the book that secured his place in history: On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection. Death On the Origin of Species was published in several editions, with Darwin periodically editing and updating material in the book. And while society debated Darwins work, he lived a quiet life in the English countryside, content to conduct botanical experiments. He was highly respected, regarded as a grand old man of science. He died on April 19, 1882, and was honored by being buried at Westminster Abbey in London. Legacy Charles Darwin was not the first person to propose that plants and animals adapt to circumstances and evolve over eons of time. But Darwins book put forth his hypothesis in an accessible format and led to controversy. Darwins theories had an almost immediate impact on religion, science, and society at large. Sources â€Å"Charles Darwin: Gentleman Naturalist.† Darwin Online.Desmond, Adrian J. â€Å"Charles Darwin.† Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 Feb. 2019.Liu, Joseph, and Joseph Liu. â€Å"Darwin and His Theory of Evolution.† Pew Research Centers Religion Public Life Project, 19 Mar. 2014.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Human Resource Management - Essay Example The paper tells that the human resource department can demonstrate its effectiveness to an organization by providing a workforce that meets the organizational goals and objectives. In this respect, it means that the department can plan and implement effective policies that attract potential employees, maintain and develop the existing ones such that they become an essential part of the organization. In any business organizations, employees are among the most valuable organizational assets and highly determine the overall performance of any business. Many organizations despite having the abilities essential in enhancing performance have slacked due to poor input towards employees concerns. In fact, according to Levesque employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. In this line, the researcher suggests that effective HRM (human resource management) is vital for optimally exploiting creativity and accomplishing organizational as well as individual goals. Organizational leadersh ip must ensure appropriate integration of different activities and synchronized functioning focusing on organizational goals. Effective HRM should demonstrate its commitment to motivate employees and increase their productivity. Employee motivation is vital for guaranteeing commitment of human capital to the given goals. The answer to motivation is centered on the integration of individual and organizational goals. Hence, managers have to show their concentration on important HRM tasks like planning, development, evaluation and compensation. Question two Human resource planning is affected by different environmental factors emerging from internal and external environments. Internal factors like organizational goals, behaviors, technology, employees, demand and supply of personnel, reward and evaluation systems and policies affect the process of planning. Some enterprises could be highly structure while others are not. Some jobs could require skills in teamwork while others might req uire technical skills. Specifically, these factors define the decision making process in many issues associated with human resources such as promotion, recruitment to counter competition, staffing responsibility and overcoming resistance. This suggests that internal factors influence both strategic and operational components of human resource planning. External factors such as level of education, societal attitudes, economic conditions, laws and regulations, and cultural factors affect human resource planning in varying degrees. For instance, the new technologies employed in many organizations require rigorous and far-reaching education. Likewise, employees in our social-cultural environment want to be involved in the process of making decision. Moreover, human resource managers are required to respond to legal needs, public needs and observe ethical principles. Political limitations require enterprises to adhere to laws issued by regulatory bodies. Economic status especially compet ition influence the demand and supply for staffs. Question three Human resource practices in different countries have not been exaggerated. The reason is the need to address the differing environments that influence the effective of human resource management. These differences matter a lot when it comes to the factors influencing the organizations. For instance, the organizational behavior adopted by the Japanese organization must differ from that of the United States organizations. Unlike US firms which promote a culture that encourages individualism, Japanese firms must develop a culture that allows for team work. This also reflects the importance of national culture when adopting particular human resource practices. The values that are upheld in one culture differ from those of another and extend to business practices. In addition, different economic situations have resulted in different human resource practices among nations. For instance, the aging situation in United States wi ll demand different

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Professional Aspect of Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Professional Aspect of Care - Essay Example This will enable the nurses to practice autonomously and be accountable for the health care practices to ensure they respect dignity and human rights. Professional nurses must meet the physical and mental health needs of all the patients regardless of their ages, races, and ethnicity. They must meet patients’ needs in all settings that include homes, health centers, and communities. Professionally, nurses have to be caregivers, patient advocates, councilors, leaders, managers, teachers, and coordinators (Dawoud & Maben 2008 p. 1). As caregivers, nurses have to understand the patients’ needs through communication for him or her to support them emotionally through their attitudes and actions. Care giving also involves performance of health care activities that patients cannot do autonomously. Nurses should not only demonstrate physical professional care, but they should also develop close emotional relationships with patients through communication. The contemporary care-g iving role entails knowing that patients feel insecure by communicating with them. Indeed, such feeling may threaten their ability to cope. The role requires empathy, which makes the nurses to be aware of the individuals’ emotional state and need for support (National Quality Board 2012). Teaching is also part of nurses’ profession that is vital in the current health care arena because it enhances communication. Nurses give information to patients according to their health care needs (Nicol &O’Caroll 2007 p. 3). For example, the information that nurses should communicate to patients entail explanation of the procedures involved in diagnosis processes and self-administration of medications. Additionally, nurses should teach the patients how to manage wound care, and the restorative exercises such as the ones done after mastectomy. While educating the patients regarding the health care practices, nurses have to give patients the chances to make choices concerning the issues affecting their health through appropriate communication (Dawoud & Maben 2008 p. 1). They should not force or give advice to the patients about any treatment decisions. They should only give them the potential alternatives and support their decisions. Furthermore, nurses should participate in creating awareness to the communities about the health care issues. While creating awareness they have to build effective relationships with clients through communication. In addition, they should encourage them to join community groups that offer financial and emotional support (Royal College of Nursing, 2012 p. 1). Professional nurses are also coordinators in any health care settings. For example, nurses who manage care should coordinate with the one who delegates care through communication processes (Westrick &Dempski 2009 p. 23). Additionally, nurses have to coordinate with doctors to develop a good relationship between them. This coordination is vital in health care units becaus e doctors depend on nurses in obtaining most of the patients’ information. Acquiring important information from nurses reduces the occurrence of medical errors that risks the patients’ lives (Carvalho, Reeves & Orford 2007 p. 29). Nurses should also be counselors for them to develop effective therapeutic relationships. As counselors, nurses have to communicate effectively with patients to make them develop positive feeling and behaviors in the health care settings. Counseling is vital when nurses are offering the potential alt

Monday, January 27, 2020

Gandhi The Legendary Leader History Essay

Gandhi The Legendary Leader History Essay The topic of leadership has generated excitement and interest from ancient times. Leadership has gained the attention of researchers worldwide. When people think of leadership, images come to mind of powerful dynamic personalities, who command victorious armies, shape the nations events, preach religions or direct corporate empires. How did a leader build such great armies, countries, religion and companies? How did Gandhi become such influential leader? Gandhi was a private man without wealth, without property official title. He was neither commander of army nor the ruler of vast land, even though he became the spokesman for country and all mankind. Gandhi, man who made humanity and truth, more powerful than empires (Albert Einstein).There is no universal definition for leadership because leadership is complex and is studied in different ways that requires different definitions. In the very beginning of movie it has reflected that how situation can influence a person to become a great leader. Movie shows how a person learns and sharps his ability as a leader with the time. It also shows the leaders ability to find best solution to the problem. Gandhis tools were non violence and peaceful protest for the legitimate right of equality and independence. Movie reflected Gandhis ability as a charismatic leader to mobilize people from all religion, cast and sex for freedom struggle. Gandhi visited to rural villages for his followers and indentified the problems and tried to solve it. He started spinning and wearing indigenous cloths. His innovative ways of protest and fight for independence like non cooperation, salt march etc against the strongest empire in the world makes him a transformational and motivational leader. His activities were without any consideration for economic benefits or self-gratification (need for power, achievement, and esteem) and his work f or different communities especially for untouchables establish him as a spiritual leader. Gandhi had kept fast twice protesting against violence and riots which reflects the character of ethical leadership. Till his death he kept thinking about the welfare of mankind. Gandhi reinvented the rule of the game to deal with a situation where all the existing methods had failed. He broke the tradition as he understood that it is not possible to fight for freedom with force. He decided to change the game in a fundamentally different way unleashing the power of ordinary people, inspired men and women of the country to fight for a unifying goal. He used non violence and peaceful protest to fight the battle for the country. Resource constraints did not bother him. His agenda was full independence that inspired him. His leadership style was follower centric and one that took into account existing conditions before determining the strategy. Gandhi leadership style was dependent on circumstances. By applying and understanding following theory we can explain his character and leadership style as well as the influence of environment on his leadership aspect. The word charisma is derived from the Greek word charismata meaning gift of grace (Conger, 1989; Weber, 1947). The neo charismatic emphasis on the characteristic of the leader ignores the nature and severity of the particular threat, the content of the radical vision and how it deals with that threat, and the magnitude and persistence of particular changes that are accomplished through charisma (Beyer 1999). Beyer attempted to precisely delineate Webers approach into four necessary and distinct steps for evolution of charismatic leadership is depicted in Table 1. Gandhi was a charismatic leader as he didnt impose himself on the people to follow him, but he succeeded to lead by his ways of life, like by using indigenous clothes, living simple life, non violence, love for total mankind etc. Without having any tools or weapons or governmental power he was the person who had the biggest power in the country and because of his charisma people followed him. One instance when he told masses not to buy British clothes, people stopped buying and they burnt British clothes. Whenever he started any movement people participated in it like non cooperation or civil disobedience. This characteristic of his proved him as a source of power where people submit their faith to extraordinary. He also succeeded in making a regime in the heart of people by encouraging then that they must struggle without violence to gain independence of their country. He said clearly for no cause he will support violence. He always kept his promise. He even stopped Non cooperation movement when mob killed policemen. By spinning for himself he displayed the example of self reliance and self employment to his countrymen. Needless to say, Gandhi has been a charismatic leader for which people followed him without thinking of consequences. Mahatma Gandhi is an excellent example of transformational leadership because he looked after the aspirations of his followers and instead of riding those needs to power, he remained sensitive to a higher purpose. During non cooperation movement against British rule, violence had broken out and being a proponent of non violence he was deeply troubled. He always said that for any cause he will not support violence because he believed violence triggers more violence. He started his first fast to stop the non cooperation movement as he believed people were not ready to get independence. As a result of his fast, non cooperation movement was stopped. In early part of movie he went to a small rural village on request of one of his follower where he chose to wear clothes made of indigenous materials. He inspired Indian people to boycott British clothes as a part of independence movement and this led to burning of foreign clothes as a public demonstration of Indian solidarity. He initiated s alt making campaign as a part of civil disobedience movement. After air and water, salt was considered to be most important for millions of poor people in India and the government was having monopoly over it. This movement was an act of defiant of British laws which shows the courage vision of Gandhi. This movement got a vast support from people of India and it acted as a serious blow to British Empire. Gandhi was arrested soon after the salt movement. But his followers kept breaking law and continued making salt. People from different religions worked together even in his absence and no violence broke out even when many were beaten by British soldiers. Gandhis followers had courage to do this because they were strong enough to do this on their own and the courage was built in them from the strong beliefs of Gandhi. 3.3 Spiritual Leadership The definition of spirituality includes two essential elements in a persons life (Fry, 2003, 2005) as shown and described in Table 3. Transcendence of self Manifest in a sense of calling or destiny and the belief that ones activities including work have meaning and value beyond being instrumental for obtaining economic benefits or self-gratification Fellowship Manifest in the need for meaningful relationships and being connected to others in a way that provides feeling of joy and wholeness Table 3: Elements of Spiritual Leadership Both elements involve altruistic love and faith. By doing things to help satisfy the two essential needs for transcendence and fellowship in the workplace, spiritual leaders increase their intrinsic motivation, confidence and organizational commitment. Gandhi was able to bring spiritualities into his leadership style. He promoted love and peace at time when other leaders were calling for an eye for an eye. He did not hate any one. Rather he believed in offering the other cheek if someone hits on first. He strongly believed that this attitude of his will reduce the anger of enemy and increase respect. He served the society and worked for the welfare of untouchables. As shown in the movie Gandhi always worked for his followers. While working in South Africa as well as in India he worked a lot for the weaker section of society and empowerment of women which motivated them and eventually, they participated in the freedom struggle. 3.4 Servant Leadership The service to follower is the primary responsibility of leaders and is the essence of ethical leadership. Services include nurturing, defending and empowering followers. Servant leader must listen to followers, learn about their needs aspirations and be willing to share comfort in their pain and frustration. Leader must stand for what is good and right. Social injustice and inequality should always be opposed. Even weak and marginal members of society must be treated with respect and appreciation. Leader must empower follower instead of using power to dominate them. Trust is establish by being completely honest and open, keeping actions consistent with values, and showing trust in followers. Gandhi worked for the empowerment of woman as well as for the lower castes. He spent whole of his life fighting against injustice social evils. He always maintained trust of his followers by striking to his principal of non violence. Larry Spears (1998), CEO of the Greenleaf Centre, concluded that Robert Greenleafs writings incorporated ten major attributes of servant leadership. The Table 4 lists those ten attributes. Listening Empathy Healing Awareness Persuasion Conceptualization Foresight Stewardship Building Community Commitment to growth Table 4: Attributes of Servant Leadership The below Diagram 2 depicts the structure of Servant Leadership and its interrelationships Diagram 2: Structure of Servant Leadership 4 Power and Influence tactics of Gandhi The Power and Influence tactics of Gandhi has been described in two separate sub headings as follows 4.1 Analysis of Power The term power is usually used to describe the absolute capacity of an individual agent to influence the behaviour or attitudes of one or more designated target person at a given point of time (French Raven, 1959). Different kinds of power described by French and Raven are depicted in Table 5 as below Reward Power The target person complies in order to obtain reward controlled by the agent Coercive Power The target person complies in order to avoid punishment controlled by the agent Legitimate Power The target person complies because he/she believes the agent has the right to make the request and the target person has the obligation to comply Expert Power The target person complies because he/she believes that the agent has special knowledge about the best way to do something Referent Power The target person complies because he/she admire or identifies with the agent and want to gain the agents approval. Table 5: Different kinds of Power Gandhi did not have any military or economic power. Gandhi was a small man who despite repeated imprisonment refused to submit to British authority and defeated the most powerful empire of that time with the help support of his followers. Charismatic leader like Gandhi are usually perceived to possess referent power. His principal of non violence, satyagrah, civil disobedience was referred as soft power. He was a man of character and integrity who refused to surrender against injustice. His integrity is reflected by his truthfulness and by set of values that he had. Even British recognised his power when they set him free from prison to stop the violence. He never supported violence for any reasons. He called back non cooperation movement due to violence outbreak. Because of his strong referent power he influenced so many people without any explicit effort. 4.2 Analysis of Influence Tactics Influence is the primary ingredient in effective leadership (Covey, 1990; Malphurs, 1996; Maxwell, 1998; Yukl, 1998). The true measure of leadership is influence nothing more nothing less (Maxwell, 1998 p11). The type of behaviour used intentionally to influence the attitude and behaviour of another person is usually called as influence tactics. The broad categories of Influence tactics are depicted in Table 6. Impression Management Tactics Influence people to like the agent or to have a favourable evaluation of the agent. These tactics can be used by leader to influence followers or by followers to leader Political Tactics Influence organizational decision or otherwise gain benefits for an individual or group. Political tactics are also used to defend against the opponents and silent crisis. Some political tactics include manipulation abuse of power Proactive Influence Tactics Immediate task objective involves change in procedure used for current task, provide assistance or support proposed changes, task compliance by using a simple request based on legitimate power Reactive Tactics It resists an unwanted influence attempt to modify the agents request or proposal to be more acceptable to the target person. Table 6: Types of Influence Tactics Gandhi was the most influential Indian leader. His not only influenced Indian politics but also the world. He influenced his followers to mobilize and fight for their legitimate rights and against discrimination inequality in India as well in South Africa. His influencing tactics were proactive in nature. He used logical argument and factual evidence to influence and motivate his followers. For example his idea about non cooperation and civil disobedience movement were very logical. His inspirational appeal influenced people tremendously. In South Africa he fought against injustice for which British beat him and imprisoned him but could not take his obedience. He also used pressure tactics with his followers when violence broke out he opted to fasting to stop it. The movie reflected the power and influence tactics by Gandhi very well. 5 Leader Follower relationship Leader- member exchange (LMX) theory describes the role making processes between a leader and each individual subordinate and the exchange relationship that develops over time (Dansereau, Graen, Haga, 1975; Graen cashman, 1975). The basic premise of the theory is that leaders develop a separate exchange relationship with each subordinate when the two parties mutually define the subordinates role. A leader is likely to establish a high exchange relationship or a low exchange relationship with each subordinate. The development of high exchange relationships occurs gradually over a period of time through reciprocal reinforcement of behaviour when the exchange cycle is repeated over and over again. The relationship begins with an initial testing phase in which the leader and subordinate evaluate each others motives, attitude and potential resources to be exchanged and mutual role expectations are established. If the relationship proceeds to second stage, the exchange arrangement is refi ned and mutual trust, loyalty and respect gets developed. At third stage wherein exchange was based on self interest is transformed into mutual commitment to the mission and objective of the work unit. According to Graen and Uhi-Bien (1991) the third stage corresponds to transformational leadership. In the movie there are many incidents which show how to develop relationships with the followers. Gandhi biggest follower was his own wife. She always followed him in every walk of his life. She actively participated in all the movements started by Gandhi. She even participated in community development program for the welfare of human kind. She went to jail number of times together with Gandhi and she even died in jail. Meera Ben is another person in the movie who became a big follower of Gandhi. Even though she was a British and daughter of an English admiral, she came to India because she had deep faith respect for Gandhis principals and causes. Nehru was another follower who first evaluated the motive attitude of Gandhi then exchanged his loyalty towards him then worked together on mutual commitment to the mission. 6 Evolution Development of Gandhi as a leader While going to South Africa, Gandhi was travelling in first class and he was forcefully thrown out of first class just because he was an Indian even though he had the right tickets. That was the beginning of transformation of an ordinary man into a great leader. Injustice done to him made him aware about discrimination in the British Empire and he started raising his voice against it. He started mobilizing people and made them aware of their rights. He started working for community development especially for untouchables and women empowerment as he knew without unification of society revolution was not possible. He always believed that fighting with an evil is duty. He advocated non violence as a weapon to fight against British Empire. His principal of non violence served two purposes firstly, he protected his followers from strongest army in the world secondly, this principal made his demands more acceptable to rest of the world. This shows his vision power. When he came back to India, he started wearing Indian made clothes because he wanted to get associated with common Indian man. Before taking any responsibility, he visited different parts of India and came across various problems and their possible solutions. He said without the involvement of common men in the freedom movement, independence is not possible. He kept on working for community development woman empowerment in India contributed magnificently to bring unity among people from different religions. Gradually, he emerged as a leader because of his character, principals and values he believed and was unanimously accepted by the whole nation. He went to Motihari, a rural place on request of follower and started spinning clothes and encouraged to boycott British goods as part of freedom movement. He himself started spinning to lead the country with an example. His movement like non cooperation and salt march united the whole country dented British image to rule India. He even kept fast till death to stop communal riots during Indias partition after independence. 7 Conclusion Movie Gandhi shows the transformation of a common man into a legendary leader. It shows how situation can inspire a person to fight against injustice and inequality. Gandhis leadership style proves that to achieve a good end, means should be equally good. Gandhi had a vision which was accepted by his followers. His charisma led to Indian independence. His contribution towards the weaker section of society is unforgettable and unmatchable. His teaching of non violence is very much relevant even in todays world. For the contribution and sacrifices he made for the Indias independence, upliftment of weaker sections, woman empowerment and unity among different religions, he has been given the title of Mahatma by his nation and is called as Bapu that is Father of the nation.