Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Vortigern - Early British Leader
Vortigern - Early British Leader This profile of Vortigern is part ofWhos Who in Medieval History Vortigern was also known as: Guorthignirnus, Gurthrigern, Wyrtgeorn Vortigern was noted for: Inviting the Saxons to help him fight northern invaders, essentially opening the door to a significant Saxon presence in England. Occupations Roles in Society: KingMilitary Leader Places of Residence and Influence: England Important Dates: Declares himself High King of Britain: c. 425Dies: c. 450 About Vortigern: Although many legends have sprung up concerning Vortigern, he was probably an actual historical figure. He is mentioned in On The Ruin of Britain, History of the Britons and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. In the uncertain decades following the withdrawal of Roman troops from Britain, Vortigern emerged as a strong leader of the Britons, and dared to declare himself High King. When he faced attacks by Picts and Scots in the north, he followed a common Roman imperial practice: he invited Saxons to come to England to fight the northern invaders in return for a grant of land. This reportedly did not go over very well with most of the British, who disliked sharing their lands with Saxon interlopers, and things got worse when the Saxons rebelled and fought against Vortigern. According to the Historia Brittonum, the rebellion ended when the Saxons killed Vortigerns son Vortimer and massacred many British nobles. Vortigern subsequently granted the Saxons lands in Essex and Sussex, where they would build kingdoms in the coming decades. Vortigerns role in facilitating Saxon access to England was remembered with bitterness by British chroniclers. Scholars using British sources to understand Vortigern must take great care in evaluating them, especially when those sources were created several centuries after the events in question. More Vortigern Resources: Post-Roman Britain: An Introduction Vortigern on the Web A Clerical Portrait of Vortigern?An examination of the recorded view of Vortigern by Michael Veprauskas at the Early British Kingdoms website.The Vortigern Studies HomepageAn initiative based in the Netherlands, dedicated to the study of the period between the Roman occupation of Britain and the Early Middle Ages Dark-Age Britain Whos Who Directories: Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2007-2016 Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is not granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission, please contact Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is:http://historymedren.about.com/od/vwho/p/who_vortigern.htm
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Easy Guide to Making Lesson Plans for Adult Students
Easy Guide to Making Lesson Plans for Adult Students Lesson plans for adult education arent difficult to design. Follow these easy steps and see how effective you can be. Every good course design begins with a needs assessment. For our purposes here, we’re going to assume you’ve completed this assessment and you understand what your students need and what your objectives are for the course you’re designing. If you don’t know your objectives, you’re not ready to design your course. Like any gathering of people for any reason, it’s good to begin at the beginning and address who is there, why they’ve gathered, what they hope to accomplish, and how they’ll accomplish it. Welcome and Introduction Build in 30 to 60 minutes at the opening of your class to conduct introductions and review your objectives and agenda. Your beginning will look something like this: Greet participants as they arrive.Introduce yourself and ask participants to do the same, giving their name and sharing what they expect to learn from the class. This is a good time to include an icebreaker that loosens people up and makes them feel comfortable sharing.Try a fun classroom introduction for the first day of school.Write their expectations on a flip chart or whiteboard.State the objectives of the course, explaining why certain expectations on the list either will or won’t be met.Review the agenda.Review housekeeping items: where the restrooms are, when the scheduled breaks are, that people are responsible for themselves and should take a restroom break early if they need one. Remember, you’re teaching adults. Module Design Divide your material into 50-minute modules. Each module will contain a warm up, a short lecture or presentation, an activity, and a debriefing, followed by a break. At the top of each page in your teacher’s guide, note the time needed for each section and the corresponding page in the student’s workbook. Warm Up Warm-ups are short exercises (5 minutes or shorter) that get people thinking about the topic you are about to cover. It can be a game or simply a question. Self-assessments make good warm-ups. So do icebreakers. For example, if you’re teaching learning-styles, a learning-style assessment would be a perfect warm up. Lecture Keep your lecture to 20 minutes or less if possible. Present your information in full, but remember that adults generally stop retaining information after about 20 minutes. They will listen with understanding for 90 minutes, but with retention for only 20. If you’re preparing a participant/student workbook, include a copy of the primary learning points of your lecture, and any slides you’re planning to use. It’s good for students to take notes, but if they have to furiously write everything, down, you’re going to lose them. Activity Design an activity that gives your students an opportunity to practice what they just learned. Activities that involve breaking into small groups to complete a task or to discuss an issue are good ways to keep adults engaged and moving. It is also a perfect opportunity for them to share the life experience and wisdom they bring to the classroom. Be sure to build in opportunities to take advantage of this wealth of relevant information. Activities can be personal assessments or reflections that are worked on quietly and independently. Alternatively, they can be games, role play, or small group discussions. Choose your activity based on what you know about your students and on the content of your class. If you are teaching a hands-on skill, hands-on practice is a great option. If you are teaching a writing skill, a quiet writing activity may be the best choice. Debriefing After an activity, it’s important to bring the group back together and have a general discussion about what was learned during the activity. Ask for volunteers to share reactions. Ask for questions. This is your chance to make sure the material was understood. Allow for 5 minutes. It doesn’t take long unless you discover that learning hasn’t happened. Take a 10-minute Break It’s important to get adult students up and moving every hour. This takes a bite out of your available time, but it’ll be well worth it because your students will be far more attentive when the class is in session, and you’ll have fewer interruptions from people who have to excuse themselves. Tip While breaks are important, it’s crucial that you manage them well and begin again precisely on time, regardless of stragglers, or chatter will get carried away. Students will learn quickly that class begins when you said it would, and you’ll gain the respect of the entire group. Evaluation End your courses with a short evaluation to determine whether or not your students found the learning valuable. Emphasis on the short. If your evaluation is too long, students wont take the time to complete it. Ask a few important questions: Were your expectations of this course met?What would you have liked to learn that you didnt?What was the most helpful thing you learned?Would you recommend this class to a friend?Please share comments about any aspect of the day. This is just an example. Choose questions that are relevant to your topic. Youre looking for answers that will help you improve your course in the future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Final Class Project Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Final Class Project - Case Study Example To add on this, it is through documentation that patient response is reflected. On the contrary, the current case lacks documentation from the patient nurse. Here, the nurse testifies that she only had handwritten notes. Furthermore, in her testimony, the nurse says that she did not document any vital signs during the 2 hours of being informed by the patient’s wife and the time the patient is pronounced dead (Guido, 2009). Evidently, the case lacks documentation and this is likely to affect the final outcome. 2. Was negligence there on the part of the nursing staff in the care of this patient? In the case under study, it is evident that the nursing staff showed negligence in the course of duty. The patient nurse is negligent due to failure to document information on the patient. In her evidence, she testifies that she did not have any documented records on vital signs between the time of being informed and the time the patient is pronounced dead (Guido, 2009). As such, it is c lear that no information was available on what went on during the 2 hour period. Additionally, the nurse failed to assess and monitor the patient’s situation after she informed the physician that the patient was bleeding. Given that the patient’s health status could change gradually or suddenly, it was vital for the patient nurse to keep monitoring the situation. On the other hand, the office nurse failed to act as a patient advocate. Here, it is evident that this nurse did not follow up the case to see if the surgeon responded after she informed him. More so, the nurse does not call to check the patient’s progress (Guido, 2009). She only passes the information to the surgeon and that’s it as far as she is concerned. Consequently, it is evident that the nursing department displays negligence while on duty. 3. How does the obvious contradiction in the testimony between the patient’s hospital nurse and the office nurse and the physician’s acco unt of what happened affect your decision in this case? From the case, there is obvious contradiction between the two nurses’ testimony and the physician’s account. This shows a failure to communicate accurately while on duty. There seems to have been lack of communication between the three and hence all are liable to being sentenced for negligence while on duty. Normally, different nursing departments ought to be in constant communication to find the best way possible of helping the patient. This is not the case here. The patient nurse does not keep in touch with the physician to update him on the patient’s situation. Whereas the patient nurse testifies of having informed the physician of the patient’s condition on time, it takes two hours before the physician responds (Guido, 2009). Essentially, the contradiction indicates failure to communicate by all parties involved. 4. What standards for documentation did the patient’s nurse breach? Standards for documentation in nursing entail provision of patient information for communication purposes. Nursing documentation, as a valuable tool, supports effective communication on the patient’s progress for providers. In this particular case, the patient nurse breached these standards. The nurse fails to document the patient’s progress (Guido, 2009). Furthermore, nurses are responsible for their own actions while on duty. As such, documentation forms part of the responsibility. On the contrary, lack of documentation in the case means that the patient’
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managing change - case study analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing change - case study analysis - Essay Example This essay stresses that according to Lewin's model, the restraining force is the management hierarchy which delays the decision-making process. The management thought that the situation will change as there will be â€Å"ups and down†in every industry.But the price decline continued for a long period. Sensing the deterioration of the company profitability and assets the management has opened for the thought of revamping the administrative structure to suit the current requirements and decrease the decision making process time. The driving force was the change in the management thought that the decision making authority should vest with few to enhance the decision-making rate. As the change was forced the CEO with a team of seven others formed an apex committee to speed up the decision-making process. The management team has focused on the identified need to deal with a possible long-term decline in commodity prices, set the achievable goal of simplifying the management struc ture to foster accountability and communication. In conclusion, communication is the key to implement the ideologies of the management. There should be a smooth and distinctive flow of information right from the managers to the ground staff down the line who form the core of the employee group. The discrepancy in the information will elevate the decisions in the other way and could change the trajectory of the desired results. The right form of information will guide the person to the desired output.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Natural Science Essay Example for Free
Natural Science Essay The relevance of this test question is to determine which brand of leading paper towels is the best most absorbent. Consumers want to use the product that is most effective at meeting their needs. A more expensive product may actually be more cost effective if you can use less of it than a brand that costs less. Literature Review Many experiments have been conducted to test the strength and absorbency of paper towels. While the steps of the experiment vary from test to test, all of experiments are testing the same two factors; how much water can each paper towel brand absorb and how strong are each of the paper towels. Below I have reviewed the process and results from three experiments that are similar to the one I will be using. In the first experiment, the tester uses five brands of paper towels to test for absorbency, using paper towels of the same size to ensure the accuracy of the results. He draws a two inch circle in the center of a sheet of paper towel from each brand represented and placing the paper towel in an embroidery hoop to maintain stability. He then drops fifteen drops of water into the center of the circle draw on the paper towel, repeating the process for each brand, and measures the amount of time it takes the paper towel to wick the moisture outside of the circle. This test concludes that Bounty has the greatest absorbency. The next experiment tests for both absorbency and strength. As in the first test, several different brands of paper towels were used. In this experiment, to test the absorbency, the tester takes a sheet of each of the towels an inserts it into a glass with two ounces of water and leaves each sit for twenty seconds. After the twenty seconds expired, the tester removed the paper towel from the glass and rang out each paper towel into a measuring cup to see how much water each towel had absorbed. The second part of the experiment is conducted by stretching sheets of each paper towel through an embroidery hoop, placing 25 pennies in the center of the paper towel, and adding water to the towel drop by drop until the pennies fall through. The strongest paper towel in this test was Brawny Brand. The final experiment that I reviewed also tested for absorbency. The theory behind this experiment was the faster that water moves through the towel, the more absorbent it is. The experimenter cut strips from each paper towel, one inch wide and six inches long. A mark is drawn on each paper towel one inch from the end using a waterproof marker. The strip is then held in a glass of water with the bottom inch submerged, timing how long it takes for the water to travel the length of the strip. The process is then repeated for each brand that is being tested. The most absorbent brand in this test was Brawny. Experimental Design A. Steps in Experimental Procedure The absorbency of the towels will be tested by the speed the water moves through the paper towels, the faster the water moves, the more absorbent the towel is. I will be using the following brands of paper towels in my experiment: Brawny, Bounty, Sparkle and Scott. Other supplies necessary to complete the experiment are: a waterproof marker, and a sixteen-ounce glass of water, and a timer that registers tenths of a second. 1. Prepare three samples of paper towel from each brand by cutting strips of each that is 2 inches wide and six inches long. 2. Using a water-proof marker, draw a line across each paper towel one inch from the bottom. 3. Fill a sixteen ounce glass with water and prepare timer. 4. Take the first strip of paper towel and submerge it up to the line in the glass of water while holding it vertical to the glass while starting the timer. 5. Allow the timer to run until the water is absorbed through the paper towel and reaches the end of the towel not submerged. 6. Stop the timer and record the time in tenths of seconds. 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all three strips of each brand. B. Reasoning for Choosing my Experimental Design Plan The reason I chose this design for my experiment is because it seemed to be more accurate than other testing methods I found during my literature review and could be performed with items I already had in my home. The experiment where the tester rang out the paper towels and measure the water that they had absorbed is less accurate because there is no guarantee of exerting the same amount of force each time you ring out a towel. There is no way to completely drain the towel of all of the liquid it absorbed. Stretching the paper towel samples across the embroidery frame is sound way to perform the experiment but it would have required the purchase of additional materials. C. Sequence of Events to Collect Quantitative Data I will begin the collection of quantitative data by cutting the paper towel samples from each brand into strips that are one inch wide by six inches long, to ensure that all of the samples will be equal. I will use the same glass of water for each test to ensure the water composition is the same for each test. I have created a spreadsheet in excel with a column listing each of the brands being tested and three columns for the time in tenths of a second to be entered upon completion of the experiment. During the experiment, I will make notes on a tablet of the brand name and the time recorded to be entered into the spreadsheet upon completion of the entire experiment. D. Describe Tools, Technologies, and Measurement Units that are used to Collect the Data To collect the data for this experiment I will use one inch wide by six inch long strips of paper towel from each of the brands being tested, a black water-proof marker to mark the strips of paper towel, an eight ounce glass of water, my hand to hold the strip vertical to the glass once submerged as indicated in the experimental procedure, a timer that measures tenths of a second, and a pad and pencil to record the initial results. Once the experiment is complete I will transfer the results of the experiments to the spreadsheet that I have created using Microsoft Excel. I will also use excel to create the graphic representation of the experiment results. Dependent, Independent and Controlled Variables of the Experiment The independent variable in my paper towel experiment is the one inch by six inch strip of paper towel taken from a roll of each brand of paper towel used in the experiment. The dependent variable in the experiment is the amount of time it takes the water to travel the length of the strip of paper towel measured in tenths of a second. The controlled variables of the experiment are using the same glass of water, same size sample of paper towel, and same timer for each test in the experiment. Threat Reduction to Internal Validity To reduce internal threats to validity I will use the same size piece of each paper towel from each brand for each test to conduct the experiment, marking each piece with a line at exactly one inch from the bottom. I will use the same water sample to ensure the liquid being absorbed by each sample strip is identical; the same timer will be used for each test to ensure the accuracy of the time recorded for each test. I will also monitor my results for outliers in the time required to absorb the water through each test towel to ensure the results are valid for each test. Hypothesis The sample of Bounty paper towels will soak up the water through the length of paper towel faster than the other brands because it is thicker than the other brands being tested. I have arrived at this conclusion because the dual layers of towel that are present in the sample of Bounty create a greater surface to absorb water. The other brands are much thinner and have less thickness to soak up water.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Development And Demise of The Seattle Sound :: essays research papers
The â€Å"Seattle sound†, a phrase coined for music created by Alternative-style rock bands based in Seattle, is said to contain three (3) basic elements: it is loud, it is honest, and it is borne of musicians that have experienced a degree of difficulty in achieving recognition. The â€Å"Seattle sound†, often times referred to as â€Å"grunge†, is notorious for being performed at exceedingly high volume. It has been defined as honest music because it is performed in a raw and unrefined manner, without the aid of electronic polishing. Additionally, a common thread of grunge bands is said to be that they suffer from an uncommonly low rate of recognition The affects of Seattle’s geographical location appears to be an ingredient of the music created by these grunge bands, whether expressed blatantly or subliminally. Seattle exists in a corner of our nation and a great distance from more prominent cities, therefore, a sense of isolationism amongst its citizens is to be expected. Seattle is also subject to an unusually high level of precipitation, most notably rain, one (1) of the few things that the city may be regarded as famous for. An abundance of gloomy days certainly plays upon the psyche of the human attitude. Musicians of grunge bands appear to express this geographical condition in the manner in which they choose their topics for lyrics and deliver their music. Isolation may be cited as an influence in their music with the respect to the style in which they deliver their product, well practiced, yet unrefined because of their lack of hope for recognition. Unrelentingly dreary weather may be responsible for depression amo ng band members that may well be reflected in their music, possibly accounting for their extreme volume (frustration and yearning to be heard) and crude lyrics (unpolished because they expect to remain obscure). As with any trend, grunge began to lose its followers within a relatively short period of time, or perhaps it simply became excepted to the extent that its label changed from â€Å"fad†to â€Å"mainstreamâ€Å". Grunge, much like most trends or fashions, relied upon commercialization to exist as such. When newness fades, replacements are sought and new titles created that are designed to draw popularity to address the apparent human need to represent uniqueness, but at the same time fulfill a desire to be accepted by others with similar likes and dislikes. If one (1) views history with regard to fads, it may be observed that fads do not exist unless there is mass-marketing of a concept or series of events to attain the popular interest of people.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ensure A Safe Workplace Essay
The legislation and compliance requirements that are relevant to ABC Chemicals’ for all cabling done on the premise must be conducted by a fully certified and qualified tradesman. A normal IT Technician if not qualified cannot alter or create new Ethernet cables or any cable to be used in the workplace. They cannot re-route or add additional cabling into walls and they cannot install additional wall plates. ABC Chemicals have a mound of hazards that need to be fix before an incident occurs. Being constructed in 2000 the building has been fitted with limited emergency equipment. No emergency plan is displayed in the workplace and no workers have received any training in safe handling of chemicals. These three hazards alone can be catastrophic in causing the majority of the incidents in this business. Not only do they not have an emergency plan multiple vehicle accidents occur in front of the premise, if one were to go through the building no worker would know what to do. ABC Chemicals is situated within 25 metres of a local nursing home for elderly residents and a child care centre that provides day-care for children under five years old. This is a problem as all old chemical drums are placed outside for a month at a time. They are not enclosed or covered meaning any fumes from the drums would be released into the air effecting any businesses in a 25 metre radius, possibly more. Not only are old drums put outside, any material that is used to clean up small spills during the day is thrown straight into the general waste dumpster. Out the back where all the drums and dumpster is situated all that separates an overgrown dry grass paddock is a cyclone fence. If any of the drums falls over and chemicals leak out this can seep through the holes in the fence either cause the dry grass to combust or contaminate the land. If the land was found contaminated the construction of the future community centre would not go ahead. Each hazard that has been found at ABC Chemicals will go through a risk assessment to determine the likely hood of each risk. When assessing the risk three essential steps are taken. The chance of an incident occurring is evaluated then the severity or consequence is calculated or estimated. Once these two factors are found they are used to assign priority for risk control that uses a risk rating. The building is fitted with limited emergency equipment with no emergency plan displayed in the workplace and no workers have received any training in safe handling of chemicals. These alone could cause a fatality, with the likelihood of this occurring at some time. They are classified as an extreme risk and should have immediate action to reduce their severity. To reduce the risk ABC Chemicals should arrange for all staff to complete training in safe handling of chemicals. Additional emergency equipment should be added to the premise and be easily accessible when an incident occurs and emergency plans should be scattered around the building so wherever you are you should know what is expected of you. The busy intersection in front of the premise is a cause for major injuries. As accidents have occurred in front of the business before it is possible for it to happen. This would be classified as an extreme risk and should be attended to immediately. By applying barricades to the surrounding area can reduce the possibility of a car hitting into the premise and cause major damage. All drums accumulated over a monthly period are placed outside with no coverage. The small spills that occur daily are also cleaned up and thrown into the general waste dumpster. There is no barricades to stop any spills from seeping through the fence into the dry grassed block of land. The fact that the drums are in a 25 meter radius of a local nursing home and a child care centre the fumes of these drums could damage the health of the young children and the elderly. Daily inhalation of these fumes and continuous leakage into the land behind the premise need an immediate solution in new ways of storing their waste until pickup day. This will reduce the chance of people becoming sick and reducing the change of the land behind to become contaminated and cease the future construction of a community centre. These All rags used to clean up small spills are =this could be very dangerous for Risk prioritization goes beyond risk ranking in that it compares scenarios a combinations of specific products and equipment, hazards, and control measures using multiple criteria. Some of these additional criteria may include cost of interventions or control measures, feasibility of implementing control measures, practicality of control measures, effectiveness of control measures, level of public concern, level of certainty in the estimates and political will. There are many tools that can be used to assess the risks and risk causes. These being Safety data sheets, national and state injury statistics, industrial chemicals notification and assessment scheme and the standards and codes. The SDS provides information about materials before they are purchased and used on-site. It also gives information on potential hazards and effects of each material. The SDS helps by reducing hazards at the assessment stage by assessing the risk and hazard and applying a suitable and less hazardous replacement. SDS are available from the vendor or the manufacturer but can also be viewed online. National and state injure statistics are based on injuries that occur Australia-wide. By gathering this information, trends can be established which can be used to assist the development of precise preventative strategies. With this information, organisations similar to your business can help predict the most likely injuries. The Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme for new and existing products and chemicals relates to compliance with industrial chemicals legislation. The Australian inventory of chemical substances and all existing chemical s must be assessed and certified according to hazardous risk. Standards and codes consist of practical advice on issues and included preventative strategies to assist with hazard control. They are used as a baseline for comparison and a check for businesses to see if they conform to current legislation and meet the duty of care requirements.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Product Life Cycle Stage of Godrej Chotukool Essay
1. Introduction: This stage is characterised by Low competition, efforts to educate consumers about the product, trials and free samples. 2. Growth: This stage is characterised by mass promotions and attempts to differentiate the product from that of competitors. 3. Maturity: In this stage, firms focus on finding new target segments and creating value additions. 4. Decline: In this stage, the product class mostly dies due to strong competitors or obsolete technology. Firms focus on sales promotion, tie ups or move on to emerging markets. Godrej Chotukool currently lies in its introduction stage. According to Godrej Appliances Vice-President (Corporate Development) G Sunderraman,the company is currently focussing on: 1. Educating the new end users, training the intermediaries and building the distribution infrastructure. 2. Communicating a distinct value proposition to the emerging consumers is also a challenge. 3. For Chotukool, the Godrej group has junked the traditional model of a proprietary channel with a sales force and a distributor-dealer chain and has joined hands with micro-finance institutions. 4. Chotukool requires demonstration and education which doesn’t happen in the trade, so Godrej was reluctant to use traditional trade channels. The company has entered into a marketing tie-up with the India Post (Maharashtra Circle) to leverage the vast reach of the latter in terms of number of offices and manpower to push sales of ‘ChotuKool’ .The India Post team will not only generate sales leads, but will also book orders and collect payment from customers. For physical delivery of ChotuKools at customer’s doorsteps, Godrej uses Express Parcel Post Service. 5. Apart from this, Godrej also involves village girls in selling the products at a commission of Rs 150 per product sold (something that the company claims will reduce the distribution and marketing costs by 40 per cent). For Chotukool, the Godrej group has junked the traditional model of a proprietary channel with a sales force and a distributor-dealer chain and has joined hands with micro-finance institutions. This new distribution ecosystem is just one of the unique experiments that Godrej is trying out to make a splash in the bottom of the pyramid refrigerator market. There are many more. But the clear winner is its cost. At Rs 3,250, it costs almost 35 per cent less than the cheapest category of refrigerators available in the market today. Apart from involving village girls in selling the products at a commission of Rs 150 per product sold (something that the company claims will reduce the distribution and marketing costs by 40 per cent), Godrej has gone in for several engineering innovations to keep the price low. The size is small and the number of parts in Chotukool has been reduced to just 20 instead of 200 that go into regular refrigerators. References: 1. http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-22/news/29571277_1_rural-markets-godrej-appliances-infrastructure
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Downsizing in America
Downsizing in America Although my immediate family has been lucky enough not to fall victim to layoffs or downsizing, however, I have friends and relatives who have not been as lucky. My uncle is a good example. He had worked for a utility company for 25 years, rising through the ranks to become the head of the sales division. However, in 2007, the company was hit hard by the global financial crisis and one of the restructuring strategies adopted by the management was to outsource the sales department.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Downsizing in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consequently, the entire sales team was laid off. In the months that followed, my uncle sent letters to numerous companies but very few bothered to reply. The economy was in crisis and few firms were hiring. The family’s home was repossessed by the insurance companies for defaulting to pay mortgage fees. My uncle slumped into depression because his family had no roof over its head. He was so desperate that he had to pump gas at a local gas station owned by a friend for a whole 4 months. His teenage son and daughter took part-time jobs to supplement the income of the family. The mother, hitherto a stay-at-home mom, registered with a number of online companies as a freelance online writer. Indeed the layoff has caused psychological and financial anguish to my uncle and his family. Downsizing is the result of a change in the economy, such as the reduced demand for a company’s products. This may have been occasioned by an economic recession, or even when the main products of an industry are no longer fashionable. Another reason why a firm may decide to downsize its workforce is when it fails to keep pace with the recent development in technology (Baumol, Blinder Wolff, 2005). When a firm suffers from an inefficient workforce, this means that its products shall not be competitive enough to compete with the best in the indu stry, and hence the reduced demand (Shaw Barry, 2001). There have been claims that downsizing is inevitable for a firm. However, it is perhaps best to view this as an issue of perception, more than anything else. When top managers are about to make announcements about workforce reductions and layoffs, one of the common statements issued is that downsizing is inevitable, and that it is a natural law of globalization or capitalism. In his article, ‘perceptions of organizational downsizing’, Robin Sronce identified several perceptions regarding this issue: downsizing comes about due to a natural law of capitalism; from a corporate point of view, downsizing is inevitable; organizations have to undertake a downsizing activity; downsizing is often expected as part of the business cycle and; downsizing has been occasioned by our economic system (Sronce 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 1 5% OFF Learn More Downsizing is a necessary activity to help organizations improve their profit margins. Consequently, they have to reduce their workforce as part of their restructuring exercise. Under such circumstances, downsizing is necessary especially when certain departments of a company have too many employees, thereby increasing their inefficiency (Ayling 1997). Companies with unresponsive communication systems, duplication of efforts, and unresponsive administrative functions are also likely to downsize. Under such circumstances, it makes sense for a company to downsize, at least to stay afloat. Job security is no longer guaranteed. In fact, it is a thing of the past. An increasingly higher number of employees have come to accept it but it is creating a new problem at the workplace altogether. Owing to the looming danger of unemployment occasioned by layoffs, employees have become quite suspicious because no one knows where the axe shall fall next. Consequen tly, this has also dampened employee loyalty to the company because their future is not guaranteed. Also, the innovative spirit of the employees, their tendency to take risks and level of creativity are all likely to reduce, further adding to the woes of the company (Baumol et al, 2005). With downsizing comes an increased load of work for the remaining employees. On the other hand, downsizing can be a good thing for the remaining employees because they are forced to work hard and target high profile positions so that in the event of another downsizing activity, they do not fall victim. Competition is a key feature of capitalism. Capitalism breeds a state of oligopoly in which we have a few firms in the industry characterized by concentrated economic power. Consequently, competition is eliminated and we have a few dominant firms in the market that sets the price of products in the industry. As such, the market environment is dictated by these few firms. Capitalism has also helped to usher in a free market and automation. Automation forces inefficient firms to close shop. On the other hand, intense competition in the market forces companies to either adopt novel technological advances and innovative ways of running their business activities to avoid elimination. A company may have a sound justification for downsizing its human resources but in spite of this, laying off productive and loyal employees who have been with the company for a long time can be quite an upsetting experience. This is because such employees fall victim to both psychological and financial injury. Most people view the workplace as the place to maintain and develop relationships. It is our second home. Our work defines who we are, in addition to giving meaning to our lives.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Downsizing in America specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, once we have been laid off, all these things get compromis ed. Inasmuch as we have economic and legal ramifications for downsizing, nonetheless, downsizing can be considered more of an ethical issue. As such, a good manger should endeavor to protect not just the legal and financial interest of a company, but also the integrity and honor of its employees (Shaw Barry, 2001). Sometimes, layoffs may violate the rights of workers. Employees should be aware of an impending layoff but sometimes firms fail to inform them in advance. The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act holds that employers needs to make their employees aware that a layoff is on the way, or that the plant is about to shut down depending on the size of the firm. There have been reported cases of companies that closed plants abruptly without notifying their employees of these recent developments and from this context, this is indeed a violation of the law. There is a need therefore to ensure that plant closures, layoffs and outsourcing activities are regulated to avo id a collision of unions, companies, and the local government. CEOs who lay off thousands of workers are often rewarded with a handsome pay package. This revelation is an indication of great unfairness at a time when a company is faced with a recession. This is because CEOs reduce their workforce as a strategy to boost the short-term profits of the company and at the same time, ensure that they take home a fatter paycheck. At face value, such revelations may appear somewhat shocking but looked at from another angle we need to consider that the primary obligation of a CEO is to ensure that the shareholders to the company get the maximum value for their investments in the company. Accordingly, CEOs are out to please their shareholders first, before they can satisfy the employees (Ayling, 1997). However, such a perspective puts to question the ethical concern of a company on its employees. It would mean that employees are just tools for enabling a firm to attain its economic goals. Fir ms should endeavor to balance the social, economic and ethical concerns for all the stakeholders, including their employees. For a long time, manufacturing has remained the backbone of our economy. Also capitalists have made a fortune through the manufacturing sector. In the last few decades however, manufacturing has been on the decline, thanks in large part to international competition. In the mid-1960s, manufacturing contributed more than a quarter of America’s GDP (27%). This has however reduced by nearly 50%.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Today, manufacturing sector employs not more than 10 % of Americans (Shaw, 2007). The future therefore looks bleak for the manufacturing sector in the U.S. Outsourcing holds the future for the manufacturing sector. We are likely to witness a lot more companies outsourcing their manufacturing departments to the emerging economies because labor is cheap and since they have to remain in competition. The global recession that was triggered by a slump in the housing market in the US is thought to have begun due because Americans had a lot of faith in the free market and that it regulate the economy. This is a fundamental component of the â€Å"Anglo-Saxon†capitalism. One thing that Americans need to learn from this is that we should all aspire to live within our means. This way, we avoid going into massive debts. Reference List Ayling, R. (1997). The downsizing of America. New York: Nova Pulishers. Baumol, W. J., Blinder, A. S., Wolff, E. N. (2005). Downsizing in America: realit y, causes, and consequences. London: Sage. Shaw, W. L. (2007). Business Ethics. Stamford, Mass: Cengage Learning. Shaw, W. H., Barry, V. E. (2001). Moral issues in business. Ohio: Wadsworth, 2001. Sronce, R. (2007). Perceptions of organizational downsizing. Journal of Leadership  Organizational Studies. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Conservatism (Politics) - Definition
Conservatism (Politics) - Definition Definition: Political conservatism in the United States is both an intellectual/theoretical tradition and a popular political movement.As an intellectual tradition, political conservatism does not necessarily focus on any particular political position or issue. In fact, most conservative traditionalists disagree with one another over a number of issues including (but not limited to) abortion, stem cell research, capital punishment, the environment and war. Nevertheless, these intellectual traditionalists tend to subscribe to the same conservative principles, those being primarily the importance of family, but also a small or limited government, a strong national defense and free enterprise.As a popular political movement, conservatism is more specific regarding a host of specific political issues that include (among other things) the pro-life movement, judicial restraint, welfare reform, immigration reform and the sanctity of marriage (specifically the opposition to gay marriage).Conservatism is also an umbrella term that embodies several different types of politically conservative philosophies. These are often primarily identified as neoconservatism, paleoconservatism and social conservatism, but they also include fiscal conservatism, cultural conseratism and crunchy conservatism. Pronunciation: kunservitizim Also Known As: moderation, orthodoxy, preservation, prudence, right-wing, reactionary, temperance, traditionalism, utilitarianism Alternate Spellings: conservativeness Examples: Former President Ronald Reagan: The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom, and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is.†Author Craig Bruce: Liberalism is financed by the dividends from Conservatism.Actor Robert Redford: â€Å"Because, you know, youre in Utah. And because of its political conservatism, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.â€
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Disneyland in Qatar (Global Marketing Plan) Case Study
Disneyland in Qatar (Global Marketing Plan) - Case Study Example The strategic fit of the market opportunity to the company’s capabilities has been highlighted. The report ends with the identification of a market opportunity in the Qatari market that is worth pursuing, which becomes the stated objective of the global marketing strategy plan. Introduction For organizations to maintain competitiveness, they need to adapt to the diverse needs of customers as well as the communities within which they operate. Foreign investment is a costly move that requires a large capital outlay. An organization has to set strong marketing strategies to enhance its survival. It is important to evaluate the important aspects of the internal environment that may influence success such as the organizational structure, the product line which is the theme park in this case, the status of the market, as well as the distribution and supply chain. Moreover, assessment of the external environment is significant in the planning process especially when the organization plans to venture in to the global market. The PESTEL analysis helps managers to set strategies to cope with challenges in the operating environment. The SWOT analysis helps managers to capitalize on their strengths to utilize available opportunities as well as to realize the weaknesses that need to be addressed. It is also an important planning tool for establishing potential threats in advance. These analyses will be significant in determining the strategic fit of Disney to establish a theme park in the emerging Qatari market. Internal Situation Company Structure Walt Disney Company operates in a functional structure with several affiliates and subsidiaries in different countries globally. The various sections include; theme parks, resorts, media networks, amusement studios, consumer goods and interactive media services. These sections provide different products under centralized management. Disney’s theme parks control a wide resource base with regards to materials that are significant in generating value for customers (Keller, 2001). Tangible assets are supplemented by intangible assets such as a strong brand name, brand equity, patent rights and customer loyalty. Each resource is uniquely positioned to serve a particular group of consumers and hence difficult to imitate. Disneyland was able to strategically develop capabilities that can be utilized in a competitive environment, for example, copyrights have helped in the retention of profits for every character in its studios (Capodagli & Jackson, 1999). Disney’s Theme Park The theme park comprises of mainly entertainment attractions and rides suitable for family leisure. The theme park entertainment is suitable for adults and children. Generally, creativity management has been significant in the success of Disney’s theme parks (Mulcaster, 2009). The theme park strategy was developed in 1952 and took advantage of the tremendous impact of television in awareness creation among consumers. Since then, the eleven theme parks have been established globally mainly in the US, Europe and Asia. Innovation and target oriented approach have significantly contributed to the growth of the Disney theme parks (Wasko, 2004). Current Market for the Theme Parks The current market for Disney’s products is based on people’s willingness and ability to spend on entertainment and leisure. The them
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